Counter cartography is a way to dispute the conventional orders that dictate the way we relate and understand the world, by reframing the reprasentation of physical space. I highly recommend interactive maps hosted online as learning and research devices. queering the map - a collaborative map that features de experience of queer people around the world native land digital - interactive map that showcases indigenous territories and languages around the world global atlas of environmental justice - interactive map that highlights environmental disasters that took place around the world forensic architecture - a Goldsmiths research group that programmes interactive critical maps ebook this is not an atlas - introductory guide to the concept of counter cartography featuring a series of cases studies that employ the method in community work
Jan 15, 2025

Comments (3)

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this is actually kind of amazing- I literally love counter-mapping and its what I am hoping to do my next research project thing on and wow u are so cool and countermapping is everything like yes it can be imperfect but
Jan 18, 2025
the politics of design by ruben pater is also an absolute must read alongside these as well - really visual and easy to read
Jan 16, 2025
ffinn thanks for the rec, I'm going to look for it
Jan 16, 2025

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Really interesting website that overlays historic atlases on modern maps of Boston. Some things I learned today: - My house is on land formerly owned by a man named "Henry B. Goodenough"- hilarious puritan name (the tow lot near me is on Goodenough street- I hope you've never had the misfortune of going there) - The fire station at the corner of Brighton and Cambridge is on the site of a baptist church (see picture) - Comm ave used to not go past washington street... extended between 1882 and 1885 - A lot of Boston University is built on what used to be a river island Idk how interesting it is for non-boston locals, but it's fun to mess around with.
Apr 3, 2024
As an urban planner, I love maps. And, as someone casually fascinated by language/linguistic geography and sociolinguistics this is so interesting to me! I come back all the time as Iā€™m exploring new neighborhoods. Done by the good people at the Endangered Language Alliance. Another fascinating project (and mapped in, like, HTML) is this interactive map done by an amateur linguistic geographer, North American English Dialects, Based on Pronunciation Patterns.
Jan 22, 2024

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One of the things I like the most about and the current scale of users is that it's still noticeable when a rec was inspired by another. Sometimes the rec directly mentions the other, but other times you can kinda assume that reading an especific thing here triggered a memory or an ideia. It's very cute and interesting to notice the small influences interacting with other humans online can have.
Feb 11, 2025
Hold up, I gotta check my inventory for advill.
Feb 5, 2025
UbuWeb - archive for video, text and sound, all avant gard art - archive for marxist texts CrimethInc - archive for anarchist publications and news Aeon - magazine on philosophy and science Eye on Design - magazine on design news Failed Architecture - magazine on critical architecture and urbanism LitHub - literary magazine Anna's Archive - love of my life ā™„ļø A terra Ć© redonda - magazine of art and politics Passa palavra - news and articles on Brazillian politics Digilabour - news and articles about gig economy and surveillance capitalism
Jan 3, 2025