it's a sick collaborative card game - I've only played the space one but I think there's a diving version ? all about communicating under constraints to have certain cards in play - really easy intro and gets steadily more complex
Jan 15, 2025

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My recommendations: How Deep Will You Go? https://howdeepwillyougo.com/products/og The And Friend Edition https://shop.theskindeep.com/collections/the-and-relationship-card-game/products/the-and-card-game-for-friends There are also online versions of these kinds of games but in my experience the intimacy and physicality of the deck and cards in your hands can't really be replaced. You could definitely just print yourself a deck however! https://deepcards.org/play-online/ I have a deck of a game like this from the 00s and it's resulted in some very interesting gatherings.
Nov 16, 2024
recommendation image
This is in the apples to apples/cards against humanity genre of games, and it's the best variation I've played. Each card is a unique piece of art. The active player, or storyteller, picks a card in their hand, plays it face down, then gives a clue. It could be a word, a phrase, a quote, a poem, a song, a dance, a pantomimeโ€”anything they feel is inspired by the card. Then other players play cards from their hands face down that could match the clue. The cards are shuffled and revealed and the players vote on what card they think was the storyteller's. It's easy to learn and very creative.
Feb 10, 2025

Top Recs from @ffinn

deadass put it in another room and shut the door - if anyone really needs you they'll call. set a timer on anything else (i do it on the oven when I'm cleaning) then break up your tasks into smaller ones and write a checklist. being able to tick things off helps me see how much i've already done. then when the timer goes off either celebrate and finish or set another one and go again. the trick is small enough chunks of time that it's not overwhelming but still let's you get stuff done.
Jan 18, 2025
including once uncorking a wine bottle with a screw and the edge of a table
Jan 18, 2025