walked everywhere, drank wine, looked at the river, looked at art, bought cheap cigarettes, ate good food, big skies, long days
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Jan 16, 2025

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beautiful architecture, every street looks like a post card. nice people, great food, and soooo much history. bonus points if you are a fan of before sunrise and want to pretend you are wandering the streets with a hot stranger you met on the train
Nov 8, 2024
some highlights: -living in a house with a bunch of acting students despite not actually living there -coffee shop next to the tube station -rock clubs -explaining through broken French it’s your birthday and getting a very strong rum based beverage in a Caribbean restaurant -napping in open fields with someone who loves you -never actually going to class and running around the museum like Bande Γ  part -the windmill in brixton -being seated at a table for one in Berlin with a stew and some wine overlooking a canal -free modern art exhibits and screenings -smoking out the apartment window
Feb 1, 2024

Top Recs from @ffinn

deadass put it in another room and shut the door - if anyone really needs you they'll call. set a timer on anything else (i do it on the oven when I'm cleaning) then break up your tasks into smaller ones and write a checklist. being able to tick things off helps me see how much i've already done. then when the timer goes off either celebrate and finish or set another one and go again. the trick is small enough chunks of time that it's not overwhelming but still let's you get stuff done.
Jan 18, 2025
including once uncorking a wine bottle with a screw and the edge of a table
Jan 18, 2025