for some it might be lonely loser behavior but i promise you it’s so funnnn, i just watched nosferatu and felt renovated, joyous and with a particular lust for life, give it a try!
weekday matinee solo movies are the best if you can make it bc it’s all solo viewers and theres something about that anonymous experience that feels really connective and communal. Years ago I saw Sorry To Bother You solo and there were 3 other people on the theater and at one point the guy behind me goes “what the fuck” and the girl across the aisle was like “same” and the 4 of us in the theater all laughed together at our collective confusion
it‘s one of my favorite solo activities to do! a cool, dark room, huge tub of warm buttery, popcorn - and a chance to really immerse yourself into a great story or just entertainment. such a sweet little spot of life once you find it 💖
This is the way, been going to movies alone the majority of the time for prob 5 years now, like do I really need company to Andrzej Zulawski’s Possession at the local indie anyway???
taterhole I like to form my initial thoughts and opinions independently and I have a little 100-year-old indie theater just down the street so I can go whenever I want on my terms! It’s not uncommon for random people to strike up conversations about the movie after it’s over which is really cute. I’ve seen so many movies in theaters in the past six months lol
i went to the movies alone for the first time on the 3rd of this month and it was life-changing. going to the movies is something i ALWAYS do with friends, but my hometown friends were busy and i wanted to see mufasa before i went back to school. genuinely so glad i did it!
Watching a movie by yourself is great, cause then you can just sit with it for a bit. no pressure to immediately discuss your thoughts and come up with any insights, just pure enjoyment.
i get why people only think of movies as a social event, but seeing a movie in a theater alone is the most freeing and therapeutic thing that i do in my day to day life.
gone are the moments of trying to pick something that you think a group of people would like. gone is the anxiety of always thinking about what your friend is thinking of the movie as it’s going on. it’s just you and the movie. i love it
- growing an unibrow
- casual posting
- print magazines
- underwear peeking out
- faye wong and cocteau twins
- mumblecore
- public transportation
- putting myself out there
- being disingenuous
- rotting in bed
- heteronormativity
- trying to find a name for everything
- morning sheds
- gym culture
- finding comfort in sadness
everyone is always so scared of seeming desperate but its better to be annoying or be perceived as such than not doing what you intended to do out of shame of being seen