everyone is always so scared of seeming desperate but its better to be annoying or be perceived as such than not doing what you intended to do out of shame of being seen
Jan 4, 2025

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Literally just be like “hey can i have some attention pls”, it pretty much always works in my experience. We all need and desire attention to some degree, there’s no shame in it. And openly asking for it is better than trying to implicitly get it by acting out, because then if you DON’T get it, it‘s really easy to attach it to your value instead of the fact that you didn’t -really- communicate your wants and needs.
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even to people you think would never give you the time of day. you never know what’ll happen. Some people, even bigger acts, will get back to you. worst they can say is no or ignore you. approach people at shows or message them This applies to a lot of things in life. You’ll never know/get certain things unless you ask. so just talk to people
it’s fun!
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speaking from experience, it’s totally fine to follow up even after a bit of time has passed. especially if you both communicated about going out again in the future, it’s reasonable to expect a confirmation or some accountability if their interest has changed for whatever reason. that being said, if lack of consistency becomes a pattern after reaching out or even after meeting up again, this indicates a deeper issue on the other person, and you’d probably be better off spending your time and energy on someone who will meet your need for communication and be reliable. you arent wrong for having the instinct to check back on plans that were made, even if tentative.
Feb 28, 2024

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for some it might be lonely loser behavior but i promise you it’s so funnnn, i just watched nosferatu and felt renovated, joyous and with a particular lust for life, give it a try!
Jan 16, 2025
ins: - growing an unibrow - casual posting - print magazines - underwear peeking out - faye wong and cocteau twins - mumblecore - public transportation - putting myself out there outs: - being disingenuous - rotting in bed - heteronormativity - trying to find a name for everything - morning sheds - gym culture - finding comfort in sadness
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