I just joined Instagram at the perfect age of 37 and OH BABY! I have been loving the things I've learned so far! This account is kind of scary, AI “Body Horror and Weirdcore Surrealism” (their words) but it doesn’t feel malevolent or cruel, and that is important. It feels a bit like being scared of an actor in a haunted house experience and then realising you can choose to feel fear, or choose to engage with this person, this razor-toothed clown, with curiosity. So I open my eyes and look: and I like what I see :)
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Jan 21, 2025

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What a time to join!
Jan 21, 2025

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I really believe in doing things with an intention and then attributing whatever good thing happens to that intention. For instance: quitting smoking. I said: I’m going to give up this thing I love so it will make room for other things that I might love even more. Or running. I just started training for a marathon, as a confirmed non-runner, do-not-want-to-run type of girl. And when I started I said: by investing in yourself in this unpleasant way, you are casting a spell of loving and believing in yourself that will bring those same things back to you. When I was 7 I threw a ring I loved out of a car window as we searched for my dog who had run away, as an act of sacrifice to get her back. Well, guess what? She came back. And I’m still doing little spells to this day 😈
Jan 21, 2025
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I have a vivid memory of being 18 years old, my parents just moved me across the country into my dorm, and as I watched their car turn a corner away from view, I pulled out a pack of Gauloises and lit up. I was a woman now. I loved smoking, I was never a heavy smoker, but I always wanted to keep it light enough so that it could forever be in my life. Anyway, years later there was a pandemic/heart break/lots of life changes and the idea of long term planning (staying alive/having nice skin) flew out the window for me and cigarettes took a much bigger role in my life and that freaked me out. So I read the same stupid book that everyone does, I rolled my eyes the whole time thinking NO WAY and then I finished the book and was freed. Last page done = no desire for another cigarette again. Probably it’s a form of hypnosis, and an essential element is being ready to say goodbye, but if you ARE ready: The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr is some type of witchcraft. Also, Anthony Hopkins and Angelica Huston blurbed the edition I read, and I thought that was convincing evidence. They probably smoked a lot.
Jan 21, 2025