still new to this but i just decorated the cover of this little notebook to write down one thing each day that made me happy. been an avid journal-er for a while but i’ve found i tend to write to untangle negative emotions and i want to remember the good things too! plus now i’m actively searching for and remembering happy things throughout my day to write down :)
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Jan 16, 2025

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i've had a hard-to-kick habit of solely using my journal as a stand-in therapist for all my sad or angry or generally upset thoughts (this does not include my academic/writing centered journal—its own separate entity). and it's been great for this. it lets me get out my frustrations before accidentally taking it out on my friends or family and allows me to work through what i'm feeling. but it's also made me associate my journal and the act of journaling with only negative experiences. when i have a really good day, i try to write about it in my journal so i can look back and see more than just the bad or hard moments in my life. i still tend to only pick up my journal when i have strong feelings, but the happy and warm feelings can be just as strong as the sad and cold ones.
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this is only a habit i have picked up in the last year, but it has made a world of difference. i will write about things that i am thinking about or stuff i need to do or just chronicle my day. i just find it very grounding or like a reset to my thought processes.
Nov 25, 2024
I tend to have the most words when I'm angry, upset, or hurt. My journals, notes app, and artwork all can attest to this. When I'm happy life is easier, I don't need to write to feel sane or rationalize my feelings. I sleep well, I eat okay, I see people. I'm busy, I'm content. But this has the unfortunate side effect of not having my happiest moments stored in as much detail as my worst ones. I can find 22 notes entries with the word heartbreak but only 5 with the word delight. PI FYI is encouraging me to document the good. And I know I will appreciate being able to scroll through the things I liked this year in a way that I haven't been able to before.
Feb 15, 2025

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i’m always scared to be like “omg weren’t we in that writing class together two years ago??” because what if they have no recollection and then i look crazy but other people have done that to me twice this week and i didn’t think they were crazy either time, it just made me really happy they remembered
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i’ve always been kinda scared of it and i think the day i’m able to stargaze in complete peace is the day i fully understand myself. every time i look up at that big dark expanse dotted with stars and planets i struggle to conceptualize the vastness of the universe and find myself honing in more on my very presence on this planet. it’s not that i feel small, in fact, quite the opposite. looking at the night sky makes me very aware of my life and the rarity of it all
Jan 10, 2025