I have two reoccurring dreams, both where I'm trapped in unless "rooms".
In one of them I'm trapped in a white void filled with invisible objects that no matter how much I try, I cannot crush. I have woken up sick to my stomach a multitude of times from this. I remember oe specific instance was whenever I was having fever dreams in the back of my mom's car and was going in and out of consciousness, repeatedly having this dream over and over. It got to the point where I would repeatedly wake up screaming and sweating and ended up hurling in my mom's backseat.
My second dream is a room that consists of a neverending wall of moving gears. I cannot move and can only listen and watch the gears operate. I've woken up in a cold sweat every time I've had this dream.
I have no clue what that says about my psyche, but I'm choosing the path of "ignorance is bliss".