Naked Eyes- 80’s English synth-pop/new wave. You’re probably familiar with atleast a few of their songs “Always something there to remind me,” or “Promises, Promises,” but a lot of the rest of their discography is just as great! “When the lights go out,” and “Voices in my head” are two of my favorites. It’s kind-of on the borderline of what I might define as rock, so oops if it isn’t what you’re looking for.
The Stone Roses- 80’s-90’s English Alt/Indie Rock. A bit of a short discography, especially for how influential the roses were in the rock scene. Their debut album is all you really need to get started with their music, and it does not disappoint! Some of my favorites are “I wanna be adored,” ”Waterfall,” and “Shoot you down.” Although the entire album is one of my favorites and most definitely worth a full listen.
Siouxie and the Banshees- 70’s-90’s English Post-punk, Alt-rock. Unlike the stone roses, Siouxie has a diverse discography, with bangers scattered throughout the albums. “Spellbound,” and “Cities in the dust,” are must-listens, but there’s gold to be found in the songs without as much critical acclaim. My favorites include “Happy house,” and ”The passenger.”