got a free copy of the game of the year edition from my church growing up for whatever reason, ended up playing hours of it alone in my attic. loved how little direction it gave you, and much of the time I spent playing this game was just walking around referencing the physical map that came with the game and exploring whatever places I came across. usually this meant encountering areas that were waaay too high level for me, but finding ways to be creative and get around enemies was a reward in itself. I also loved the lore, and would often have the game’s wiki pulled up to reference while playing.
this game sparked my love of RPGs and open world games, as well as my love for lore and world building. i enjoy games like elden ring, tears of the kingdom, baldurs gate, demon souls, etc because of how they remind me of my first experiences with morrowind. it took me years to play to the end as the main quest was often not my priority as much as the journey itself. skyrim came out like 2 years later and blew my mind, but morrowind still has a special place in my heart. plus the rest of the elder scrolls series feels too generic medieval fantasy at times, morrowind truly felt like a unique fantasy world. got the map framed in my living room rn, got another copy to have a pristine map tho haha