aria aber read it with her own amazing poem on the new yorker poetry pod & i haven’t stopped thinking about it since… bidart’s recording is constantly playing in my head
discovered a snippet of this poem when i was 12 and on tumblr, but rediscovered the entire 45 page epic more recently and it's so much better than the three lines about forgiveness that were on my #deep board, would love to rummage around his mind whenever
it’s one of the first poetry books i read as a whole and absolutely got me deep into poetry. i find her work soooo accessible—and yet it retains depth/wit.
she’s a voice of our time—our current poet laureate :3
arrival of the beebox, lady lazarus, the applicant (plath), heart condition (jehrico brown), miss july grows older (margaret atwood), a martian sends a postcard home (craig raine), i remember (stevie smith) stop me bcos i could go on and on and on
aka songs u listened to when u had a crush on someone that only makes u think of them + that feeling … jonathan by fiona apple; various faye wong songs; ant in alaska by liz phair …