A very enjoyable little fiction book about a man living in Czechoslovakia during the Cold War who’s obsessed with collecting porcelain figurines. It kinda has the same vibe as a Werner Herzog fiction like Fitzcarraldo if you’re into that sort of thing. Anyway I think it’s way underrated. Here’s the first page because I feel like you can often tell if you will like a book by reading its first page.
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Jan 19, 2025

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Not at all like a lot of « sensationalist » documentaries about space exploration, this is on the slower side, but it’s SO worth it !! It gets almost trippy at times, and some of the shots are so beautiful… Being an astronaut in the 70s looks so fun !! Also the Brian Eno soundtrack in this is INCREDIBLE. Just watch it, it’s really good, AND it’s free on youtube (linked here)
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