I just watched this video on transcendental meditation explained by David Lynch and found it very interesting. It is a good start if you want to learn about how existing actually plays out in your life or just to understand the power of your mind.
Jan 19, 2025

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David Lynch is an icon. I love his films. I love his writing. And it’s because of him I started doing transcendental meditation, TM.  He is a huge advocate of transcendental meditation. So much so that he started a foundation dedicated to it. I have what my very best friend Rebekah calls “Jazz brain”. I’m constantly all over the place and buzzing. I need a tool that calms me down and grounds me. For me, this is Transcendental meditation. It’s so easy a practice, it’s complicated. You’re given a mantra, you close your eyes, focus on the mantra, and each time your attention veers from the mantra - you gently bring it back. You can't do it wrong. Our attention deviating from the mantra is simply our way of releasing stress aka the millions of thoughts living in our head. I can’t recommend TM enough. It changed my life. I still have jazz brain. I'm still talkative and who I am. But now I have the ability to access the stillness in me.
Mar 31, 2023
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I started meditating in honor of David Lynch’s passing, and I’ve kept up with it in my morning routine because it’s been so beneficial for my overall mental health! Doing a 10 minute guided meditation on Headspace or YouTube is worth your time and with enough practice, you WILL start to see results in your day!!
Jan 29, 2025

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You come to the living room but it's really cold so you go and get your throw blanket and sit on the couch being excited to get all warm.
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