pls check this place out on desktop, it's the only way i use it and i love it
Jan 20, 2025

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The desktop gives the blog vibes, and i can't answer nor post any RECs on my phone because it doesn't feel right ! haha while i write my RECs i wanna HEAR the keyboard ! relive the myspace/tumblr experience
Jan 20, 2025
la9atate YES the clicking creates the mood lol. Desktop is also just faster/smoother than the app which I like.
Jan 20, 2025
The desktop aesthetic is the best part lol
Jan 20, 2025
The desktop experience is great and super nostalgic
Jan 20, 2025

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this might be way too specific to me... but i use a tablet for my desktop computer, and the scroll wheel on it really sucks, so i prefer to grab the side bar to scroll, and doesn't have that option. also it's useful to quickly get back to the top of a page. again this is not a huge deal and i only ever notice it when i'm using this one setup but i thought i'd mention it!
Mar 12, 2024

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i like to ponder in the shower just like everyone else. tonight's shower ponder had to do with the fact that i'm in the job search process right now and it is so disheartening to have to tailor my resume to every post and just basically do the most for every single job post just to most likely receive a rejection within a few days of applying. i started thinking about the fact that when people accomplish something difficult in life such as finding a job, owning a house, or finishing education there tends to be 2 types of thinking that come out on the other side. the 1st way of thinking is the "well i did it alone and although it was difficult, i was able to do it alone so i think everyone else should be able to do it alone if they try hard enough" the 2nd way is "i did it alone and it was hard and i recognize that there is a need for support here therefore, i would like to change the system so that other people do not have to go thru the same hardship in the same way i did." not saying that everyone thinks like this, but i feel like these are the 2 common ways of thinking that i've heard. & basically that was ponder as i sat there waiting to wash out my leave in conditioner.
congratulations on your senior year that's amazing! for me college was the best experience but i truly believe it is what you make of it. i took my 1st semester easy & luckily i had a great roommate that accompanied me to all types of social events i could find on our school's event board. going to social events helped me make friends & helped even decide classes i wanted to take outside my required classes. my 2nd semester i started to get more serious about my club involvement & ended up on executive board positions which truly have helped me now that i'm graduated & in the professional field. aside from clubs and social involvement, i loved my classes & took a few classes outside my major that helped expand my knowledge & kind of made me more well rounded. ik college isn't for everyone but for me, it exposed me to new ways of thinking i don't think i would've been exposed to. it also expanded my professional network which will and has helped with job prospects. i now regularly stay in contact with my friends from college & although we're in complete different parts of the world, we schedule weekly facetimes & find ways to visit each other every so often. p.s. sorry this was long! i loved my experience and love sharing it with others because i truly believe college expands your knowledge, if you ever need advice on the application process or want to know anything else please reach out!! i wish you the best of luck on whatever journey you decide to take! <3