i was raised by two radically left parents who worked in the labor movement, & have adopted a lot of their sociopolitical views in adulthood.
i never remember them teaching me anything about politics as a kid, though. of course they discussed their jobs at dinner & occasionally expressed their feelings about elections in front of me, but they never sat me down & told me how the world was, why they feel the way they feel, or why i should feel the same as them.
i do remember them teaching me empathy. i remember them teaching me to think about how i might make someone feel before i said anything. i remember them teaching me to invite the kids who normally ate alone to come sit with me & my friends at lunch. i remember them teaching me that hurting somebody else is never going to help me.
from this basic education in human compassion, i came to believe that nobody should ever have to go hungry. i came to believe that nobody should ever have to sleep without a roof over their head. & when i learned that the ruling class was forcing masses of people to do those things, boom, there was radicalization.