credentials: 92% of the way done with my bachelors degree, i’ve read a LOT of books.
if anyone sees this and reads any of these please tell me how you like them
the rum diary - hunter s thompson
not a particularly niche author, but it seems like this is one of his least read novels. published posthumously, it’s the first novel he ever wrote about his, or paul kemp’s (depending on who you ask), time working at an english language sports newspaper in puerto rico in the late 1950s. super engaging read, you can really see where the writing style of fear and loathing developed.
breakfast of champions - kurt vonnegut
written to himself as a birthday present, this is just anything and everything in vonneguts head onto paper. he is a self-insert character in this book. lots of silly little drawings, and it immediately sucks you in. vonnegut is never really that much in reality but this is definitely on the “what the fuck?” end of the spectrum.
geography of nowhere - james kunstler
ok now an academic book. basically, why are the suburbs like that? a historical review of how suburbs developed in america, and more specifically, how does the physical and social geography of the suburbs create the american culture of isolationism and the loss of community we experience today.
stranger in a strange land - robert heinlein
THEE freaky sci-fi book. as a non-sci-fi fan, it’s the only one i’ve ever enjoyed. sort of half grounded in reality, but beautiful and awesome. it’s kind of hard to describe but it did inspire a real world cult so that’s pretty fun.
the screwtape letters - c.s. lewis
he’s the devil from the bible and oh boy is he writing some letters. a fun read about christianity and the idea of hell. it’s been a hot minute since i’ve read this but i remember enjoying it a lot, enough to call it one of my favorites.