i love asking about things i think about a lot and feel like also help u negotiate values between two people - do u believe in a higher power? - if u were a fish what fish would u be? - kill, fuck, marry indigenous animals of yr local area - what do u do for fun? (as opposed to what do u do for work) - do u have a fav legend/ cryptid? - songs u want at yr funeral? - do u wanna kiss me? ;)

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I did not see that last one coming! Terrific questions.
Jan 22, 2025

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When I list the things that are off bounds for a first time interaction, I then realize the sheer amount of things that are in bounds! I sort of have 3 big no-no's for first time convos, and you can decide for yourself if these feel right for you: - party politics [I leave other kinds of politics in as fair game: class warfare or the rise of fascism or the opportunity for anarchic community building, etc.] - religion - personal finances there are probably others, but those are the big 3 imo. from there, I like to ask lots of how questions: - how did you feel when you discovered your latest favorite song? can you pinpoint why it made you feel that way? - how did you meet the host? - how did you get into that hobby/line of work/subculture? - how do you find joy/inspiration/motivation in your daily life? - how do you like to dance? - how good is this coors/pabst/french onion dip/potato chip/music/etc? - how long has it been since your last speeding ticket? - how long do you think you could last without eating a potato? etc. you could also ask any of the fun questions that perfectlyimperfect asks: - fave things to put on toast - your go-to email signature - unique staple in your fridge BUT TRULY!!! spencerto is right: don't over do it!
Jul 20, 2024
This is, I think, the best question I’ve been asked on a date— it lets me answer as superficially or as deeply as I’m comfortable, and it feels better/more sincere than a compliment. Early into a date compliments always feel really superficial, and this is a way to actually ask what someone likes about themselves, instead of telling them what you like about them.
Feb 21, 2024
my brain doesn’t bookmark questions like that, so I would have to reference a list or something. most of my questions are centered around asking people to expand on things that are brought up in live discussion, creating a space for them to be vulnerable and share deep shit with me, etc.
Jul 26, 2024

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