hear me out—this one might feel impossible, but i quit purchasing items on Amazon in 2018 and cancelled my GoodReads account shortly after. i did some serious reflection and realized i’d become super reliant upon, and frankly, quite used to the instant gratification of purchasing something and knowing i’d have it within a day. that’s not normal. the labor practices, economics, and environmental impacts of getting what you want from the internet delivered quickly and right to your door are skewed. i was filling a void in myself with mindless purchases. i’m aware that they service a huge swath of the internet (Amazon Web Services), own Whole Foods and Abe Books, and will likely take over more businesses we like and rely on. weaning off and avoiding entirely is very very hard, but it can also be a measured decision. that said, i know that it is a privilege to abstain from Amazon. i am able bodied, i don’t have kids, i have access to a car, i live in an urban environment with access to a lot of stuff at my fingertips. but making the choice to break out of the Amazon loop has ultimately been better for my pocketbook and better for my relationship to these mega-tech-companies that have their fingers in everything. in contrast, i’m becoming more interested in alternate economies, like bartering and sharing. i love the idea of having commonly shared tools and items (tool libraries are very cool). we don’t need to own it all, we have each other. interested in exploring more? the zine pictured below is a great start, and summarizes a much larger book by the same author on how to resist the leviathan that is Amazon.
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Jan 22, 2025

Comments (18)

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I quit at the start of 2025 and I'm loving it so far. i know it wont all be easy but going to the store, especially a small business, instead of clicking a button on my phone is just so much more satisfying for me and has the added bonus of being a lot more ethical. definitely the move
Jan 28, 2025
plantperalta you’re almost through your first month! I’m wildly proud of you.
Jan 28, 2025
Thanks to you I will now be saving lots of money. My goal recently has been to be more mindful of the things I consume. i live in nyc so everything is everywhere. I don’t need amazon to buy products I could simply go walk and buy.
Jan 23, 2025
It doesn't end with Amazon either. We should all strive to put our money into quality investments rather than quick comforts
Jan 22, 2025
a lot of us are on the same wavelengths; i just deleted my amazon account last night and will be wasting my money in different places 😂
Jan 22, 2025
chiawase_ i can’t quite put my finger on it, but there’s something that feels distinctly anticapitalist about this app. Like we’re finding likeminded people who also want to break out of the mindless spending/scrolling/void-filling. It feels so good! Let’s keep finding what else we have in common :)
Jan 22, 2025
Ooo great rec!
Jan 22, 2025
Ended prime a couple years ago and haven't missed it one bit. So much better to get out of your house or buy things directly from local stores.
Jan 22, 2025
Shadowbeni it IS so much better. I ordered yarn and knitting needles from a small shop in my city and went by to pick them up. had a face-to-face encounter with the small business, felt good the whole time. Also, cutting out that instant gratification part gives me a second to decide, “is this item a need or a want?” Proud of you for being Amazon free for a few years! Hoping more join our little club.
Jan 22, 2025
Big respect and echo this. I have ordered about 5-10 things from amazon every year for the better part of a decade because I keep forgetting to cancel my prime membership. Finally remembered to cancel on time this year and am looking forward to an amazon-free future. That and not living right next to a whole foods has been incredible. Plus from a purely economic standpoint, the “free shipping” is built into the price and you really do pay for the “convenience” of amazon, climate town on youtube has a great video on this. Also amazon union-busting website alone is enough to turn your stomach and radicalize you. Good work and I’m sure you are saving money and the environment with this change 💕
Jan 22, 2025
worldonfire reflecting right back atcha, great job canceling that prime membership! their union-busting is just one piece of the very bad puzzle! thanks for the video rec, too. I’ll have to check it out!
Jan 22, 2025
i wanted to stop using amazon this year and buy from small businesses or try to find things locally! i used to buy sooo much off amazon, but im finally breaking my habit. realizing my overconsumption was getting out of hand helped a lot too. i even stopped using my kindle and started buying second hand books, and it’s honestly been so liberating. even stopped going to whole foods! now i just need to get rid of my firestick…. didn’t realize how much amazon had a grasp on my life
Jan 22, 2025
xxmichixx 🏆💐🎉 i am so proud of you!! you’re really doing the thing. It’s hard right? But also, a weirdly gratifying challenge. I still use my Kindle (bought it off of eBay) and periodically dip into Whole Foods (working on not doing this anymore). so cool that you’re returning to books 📚
Jan 22, 2025
salad_valet it feels very liberating for sure (: its definitely hard to get rid of completely since our entire lives have basically been shaped by these huge corps, but any change is still change!
Jan 22, 2025
This sounds like such a heavy lift… But that alone is an indicator of an unhealthy relationship. Maybe those things we are unable to quit have mastery over us? I don’t like that.
Jan 22, 2025
mattshawsome it felt weird and scary to try in 2018 in part because it forced me to begin reckoning with my relationship to money, convenience, and stuff. We have bargaining and buying power as consumers, even if I’m one person, perhaps one person can make a tiny difference, or influence another person to make a difference, and on and on. Much to ponder, right?
Jan 22, 2025
It’s funny to see this because I kid you not less than an hour ago I was telling my roommates I’m trying to move away from Amazon and start shopping more locally and sustainably!
Jan 22, 2025
genevieve you can do it! if i could log off and delete my prime account, you can too. It’s really a habit and perspective shift, try it for a month. See how it goes.
Jan 22, 2025

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this book has galvanized me to change something about my lifestyle/outlook in a way no book has in a loooong time. if you’ve ever wondered what a solution to the climate crisis could look like that doesn’t rely on the state enforcing top-down solutions at the cost of individual liberties, doesn’t rely on capitalist corporations selling you technology to profit from crisis and that causes exploitation in the foreign countries where its raw materials are extracted from, doesn’t divert responsibility onto individuals by insisting it’s your fault for not using metal straws, and doesn’t bank on wishful thinking that AI will provide a lifestyle of luxury for all, but that instead emphasizes reprioritizing connection to community and communal self governance, meaningful labor and a sustainable work life balance, the human right to their environment, and an economic shift towards prioritizing practical use over scarcity-based profiteering, then this book is for you. we will have to stop growing our global economy though, but it’s actually going to be better that way.
May 30, 2024
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a treatise on the attention economy - checked it out on libby and got through it over the course of a work day, a lot of really interesting social and cultural explorations about how time itself is the final frontier of hypercapitalism and what decommodification of our attention and time should look like the book starts with a story about the oldest redwood tree in oakland and how the only reason it’s still standing is bc it’s unmillable, and how being uncommercializable is essential to our survival. it ends with an exploration of alt social media platforms (mostly p2p ones) and what keeping the good parts of the social internet and rejecting the bad ones should look like all in all a super valuable read; my only nitpick with the book is that odell isn’t just charting the attention economy but also attempting to “solve” it and relate it back to broader concepts about labor and social organizing, but her background is in the arts which leads to some really wonderful references to drive the points home while also missing some critical racial + socioeconomic analyses that one would expect (or at least really appreciate) from the book she promises to deliver in the introduction. but this does also make the book easier to read which is good because everyone should definitely engage with what she has to say will definitely be revisiting
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Top Recs from @salad_valet

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i canceled my Spotify account over the summer and have spent the last few months rebuilding my digital music library on a refurbished iPod Touch. reading critiques of the app (and it’s enshittification), i realized i wasn’t even sure of my own musical tastes and preferences. i had stopped picking for myself, stopped seeking out new music, ceasing to know how to choose what i wanted or articulate what i like. breaking free from the algorithm has been such a joy! i’m borrowing gobs of music from the library, rebuilding my old playlists, and consuming more music than i have in years. and better yet, my data isn’t being tracked by Spotify and i own what’s in my personal library. further, my receptors are more open when i’m out in the world exposed to music, searching for recommendations in an organic way.
Jan 16, 2025
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i’ve been trying to articulate why i enjoy this space so much. yes, the UX is reminiscent of Tumblr and the early days of the internet. and there’s genuine sincerity and vulnerability on here that makes it feel really cozy and real, which i haven’t felt online in at least a decade. but i think what’s undergirding my love of this space is how anti-capitalist it feels. most of the recs everyone shares are vibe-checks, quality of life shifts, meditations and offers, music and movies, just plain good art. i don’t feel compelled to buy anything when i come here. i feel excited and pumped to be a cheerleader, find connection, find common ground. and FWIW the recs i’ve shared that have gotten the most traction are my suggestions for leading a less capitalistic / consumerist life (quitting Amazon, getting off of Spotify, building community to take care of you and your things). all of this is to say, i love it here and i love you guys.
Feb 7, 2025