i canceled my Spotify account over the summer and have spent the last few months rebuilding my digital music library on a refurbished iPod Touch. reading critiques of the app (and it’s enshittification), i realized i wasn’t even sure of my own musical tastes and preferences. i had stopped picking for myself, stopped seeking out new music, ceasing to know how to choose what i wanted or articulate what i like. breaking free from the algorithm has been such a joy! i’m borrowing gobs of music from the library, rebuilding my old playlists, and consuming more music than i have in years. and better yet, my data isn’t being tracked by Spotify and i own what’s in my personal library. further, my receptors are more open when i’m out in the world exposed to music, searching for recommendations in an organic way.
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Jan 16, 2025

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missing my ipod </3
Jan 17, 2025
What’s the storage and battery life like? I have an old iPod and love using it but it doesn't have a sufficient amount of storage for all my music :(
Jan 16, 2025
claudianextdoor storage is excellent, I sprang for a refurbished iPod that holds about 60 GB of music. Battery life lasts a few days, depending on usage (and I keep mine on airplane mode).
Jan 16, 2025
Good for u!!! I listen to NTS and shazam songs i like ~ then build playlists in youtubemusic. i do miss my ipod tho ;(
Jan 16, 2025
thrashie Shazam is definitely how I’m finding music in the wild, besides asking people “what are we listening to”!
Jan 16, 2025
I’m spending the rest of this year prepping to leave spotify for good. I can’t stand the app anymore but I need to gather supplies like an old iPod and mod it to my liking. Been joking FB groups about modding and converting back to physical media and it’s so refreshing.
Jan 16, 2025
hoahoahottie do it do it!! I got my iPod on BackMarket for like… $100. And it has bluetooth connectivity, so i can hook up my wireless headphones. Feels great to take control of how and where I’m experiencing music.
Jan 16, 2025
love this for you!never been big on Spotify nor on music but I've been lately getting into shoegaze music which is new to me and I can hardly describe how looking for music makes me feel sooo good as if I am discovering lost pieces of myself .happy for you~
Jan 16, 2025
jianyingggg have a very good shoegaze rec: Ozean. They released one very perfect EP in 1993 then vanished. And i found them through a record store in my neighborhood (or i should say, my husband found them).
Jan 16, 2025
I love this for you! May your journey be filled with wondrous wonders, sick drum solos, and lyrics that have you questioning everything!
Jan 16, 2025
Lots of great artists also refuse to put their music on Spotify for various ethical and financial reasons so continuing to opt into them serving you tunes is kinda shutting yourself off from some incredible stuff you could be hearing if you looked for it ya know
Jan 16, 2025
thurston_less if Joni Mitchell and Neil Young can put their feet down about Spotify, so can I!
Jan 16, 2025
I also jumped ship. Now it’s Apple and YouTube music for me! I may even buy a Walkman again.
Jan 16, 2025
ladyfinesse do it! i have a portable cassette player I share with my husband in addition to my iPod. Feels so good to push play on a device.
Jan 16, 2025
Proudly have never used it. I’ve used flash drives, Bandcamp, cds (wish I still had a player in my car), YouTube (on Safari, with adblockers) and have been able to listen to everything I’ve ever wanted to. I like using YouTube suggestions to find new stuff, Bandcamp also constantly suggests things based on genres you like. Doing things like this also encourages listening to whole albums, which is a great thing imo.
Jan 16, 2025
i’m currently making lists of my favorite bands and subscribing to my fave podcasts patreons so i can cancel my spotify! i’m tired of giving my money to companies if i can help it
Jan 16, 2025
yagababa brava!! I just signed up for a bunch of band newsletters (so i don’t miss them coming to town!). And i have a big list of music i want to check out through the library and record stores. Let’s quit together 👯‍♀️
Jan 16, 2025
salad_valet between collecting cd’s and borrowing them from the library (bandcamp too!) it’s like why need anything else??
Jan 16, 2025
yagababa exactly. The material is all out there already. Plus i’m more likely to buy an album from the artist in bandcamp and see them in concert if i’m actively seeking them out and listening to them. Spotify gave me the illusion that i had unfettered access to artists for a low price, without compensating them fairly.
Jan 16, 2025
are you using the library cds to get audio files as well?
Jan 16, 2025
hollycookswithfriends yes! I have an old MacBook that I’m using to get MP3s from after listening to the album.
Jan 16, 2025
salad_valet you're using itunes I presume? it's been a while since I've done this but have been wanting to do the same thing
Jan 16, 2025
hollycookswithfriends yep! iTunes! it reminds me of being in high school / college, building playlists and burning CDs
Jan 16, 2025
oof i think about doing this every now and then but... i kinda like the algorithm, i like finding new music and i've actually discovered some great artists through it, and also downloading songs to the ipod is such a hassle >.<
Jan 16, 2025
lulee totally get it! I have found some good music through the algo in the past, including one of my now faves, The Dirty Projectors. Adding to the iPod was a big project I did slowly over the summer/fall, and now when I buy or borrow a CD, I have the habit of listening and then ripping to my harddrive. Slowly but surely, I’m building something I love that is extremely my taste.
Jan 16, 2025
lulee you might consider just switching apps, then? Tidal pays artists several times more per stream than Spotify does. the sound quality is way higher, too. the app isn’t perfect, but their playlists (personalized and staff curated) and their “tidal rising” new artist program has been a really good way to discover new music, for me.
Jan 17, 2025
i've slowly been losing respect for the platform but the final nail in the coffin was definitely when they fired a bunch of workers to replace them with AI... now we get odd kinds of slop fed to us, most notably AI artists and that soulless 2024 wrapped physical media is always the best. it feels more personal that way :)
Jan 16, 2025
fourleaf I’m big into physical media too (i have a VHS collection!). i just got so tired of the interface changing, music disappearing, etc etc.
Jan 16, 2025
this is so fascinating to me! I typically search on websites/reddit recs on certain genres and their expanding subgenres. This usually leads me to small artists and if i really want to delve into the classics of a genre then I delve into those too. Spotify to me is more like a tracker and it’s so interesting for me to hear that it can be limiting to others!!
Jan 16, 2025
criatura yeah! I didn’t really use it to track what I liked. what happened to me is that, due in part to the constantly updating interface, i kept listening to the same small set of albums / artists on repeat, because they showed them to me at the top and made searching for what I’d built harder to find. AND (!!) the app started playing the same few songs at the end of my playlists and albums (one being “Kyoto” by Phoebe Bridgers).
Jan 16, 2025

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it's been a week since i'm rid of it and tbh i don't really miss it; i just buy cd's from the charity shop and listen on my cd player when home. if i REALLY crave a certain song whilst out and about then i'll just go on youtube. so far it's nice to not have the decision paralysis of what music i want to listen to and i feel like i'm getting to experience music as more of a whole thing bc i can't just keep flicking between artists. and i'm not ashamed that i did enjoy coldplay's parachutes album on a soft and fading thursday evening!
Feb 9, 2024
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I’m determined to use my phone about 90% less in the new year. I’ve replaced IG with Pi.Fyi & now I’m using an ipod for all of my music!!! There’s something so sacred about the process of curating the music that actually takes so much time. You have to buy or download the music (which, buying on itunes has felt like a supportive option for the musicians I admire. $10 bucks for one of my favorite albums. down.) Then you drag it onto your ipod. Watch the “Synchronizing” wheel on your ipod. Eject the Ipod. Go to Cover Flow to see your albums lined up. It’s amazing, and it requires effort and time. Versus on spotify, you just press the plus button and pay the monthly 9.99. Its so wild. What music do I actually like/need to get through my days? I’ve let the machine of algorithms and apps decide. I literally was stumped trying to think of what music I HAD to have. I want my life to feel more intentional in every way. I want to be extremely present. But, that can feel like so much pressure and overwhelming. This is such a fun refreshing start. GO GET ONE!!! 🎵🎶🎧
Dec 4, 2024
well I'm responding to my own ask here about liberating your content from closed/locked ecosystems and I have to un-recommend using an app to download music from spotify, because apparently after awhile they catch on and then send you an email that your account has been suspended and it turns out not just suspended but full on disappeared—completely gone—and you have no way of even logging in to admin the podcasts you manage, not to mention years of playlists—but then if you just got on chat with them and promise to behave and are polite, they'll resurrect it all, lazarus out of the tomb, and you'll be back in business, jamming like Fred and Kyle and Beck Bennett when SNL was on Covid lockdown—"what's Fred jammin' on?"—but anyway, you're back in business and jamming again phew though perhaps this was that sign I've been waiting for to ditch the spotify monster once and for all anyway: don't do it
Feb 11, 2025

Top Recs from @salad_valet

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i’ve been trying to articulate why i enjoy this space so much. yes, the UX is reminiscent of Tumblr and the early days of the internet. and there’s genuine sincerity and vulnerability on here that makes it feel really cozy and real, which i haven’t felt online in at least a decade. but i think what’s undergirding my love of this space is how anti-capitalist it feels. most of the recs everyone shares are vibe-checks, quality of life shifts, meditations and offers, music and movies, just plain good art. i don’t feel compelled to buy anything when i come here. i feel excited and pumped to be a cheerleader, find connection, find common ground. and FWIW the recs i’ve shared that have gotten the most traction are my suggestions for leading a less capitalistic / consumerist life (quitting Amazon, getting off of Spotify, building community to take care of you and your things). all of this is to say, i love it here and i love you guys.
Feb 7, 2025
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hear me out—this one might feel impossible, but i quit purchasing items on Amazon in 2018 and cancelled my GoodReads account shortly after. i did some serious reflection and realized i’d become super reliant upon, and frankly, quite used to the instant gratification of purchasing something and knowing i’d have it within a day. that’s not normal. the labor practices, economics, and environmental impacts of getting what you want from the internet delivered quickly and right to your door are skewed. i was filling a void in myself with mindless purchases. i’m aware that they service a huge swath of the internet (Amazon Web Services), own Whole Foods and Abe Books, and will likely take over more businesses we like and rely on. weaning off and avoiding entirely is very very hard, but it can also be a measured decision. that said, i know that it is a privilege to abstain from Amazon. i am able bodied, i don’t have kids, i have access to a car, i live in an urban environment with access to a lot of stuff at my fingertips. but making the choice to break out of the Amazon loop has ultimately been better for my pocketbook and better for my relationship to these mega-tech-companies that have their fingers in everything. in contrast, i’m becoming more interested in alternate economies, like bartering and sharing. i love the idea of having commonly shared tools and items (tool libraries are very cool). we don’t need to own it all, we have each other. interested in exploring more? the zine pictured below is a great start, and summarizes a much larger book by the same author on how to resist the leviathan that is Amazon.
Jan 22, 2025