-Pollyanna (1960)
-The entire Harry Potter Series
-Mona Lisa Smile
-8 Femmes
-All That Jazz (1979)
-On the Town (1949)
-Gone Girl
-Bringing Up Baby (1938)
-Cover Girl (1944)
-A Little Princess (1995)
-The Secret Garden (1993)
-The Neverending Story
-Heidi (1937)
-Fried Green Tomatoes
-Summerland (2020)
-Waiting to Exhale
-The Duke of Burgundy (Hahaha!!!)
Imitation of Life
The Impossible Years
The Graduate
Breakfast at Tiffany’s (need to bypass the Mickey Rooney parts though)
Bye Bye Birdie
The Reluctant Debutante
Sex and The Single Girl
Ocean’s Eleven
Valley of The Dolls
glorious surrealist beauty
The sound of music (1965)
still never gonna get over how it’s a happy enemies to lovers fun family music and simultaneously a Nazi film
Pretty in pink (1986)
The film my dad said he based his single father parenting on. It definitely shaped my teenage style!
Gorgeous technicolor epic and Scarlett O’Hara is the greatest female character of all time…
Honorable mentions:
* Imitation of Life (1959)
* The Shop Around the Corner
* Bringing Up Baby
* The Apartment
* Valley of the Dolls — I want a remake with Lindsay Lohan as Neely and I don’t care who else is cast
* Grease — why is John Travolta so sexy…
* Beaches (1988), Steel Magnolias, and Fried Green Tomatoes (I’m listing these all together because they all make me sob inconsolably)
* Anne of Green Gables (1985) — not a movie it’s a miniseries but I always would watch it all in one go like a long movie on VHS 🤓
Made this little pocket altar earlier this year and take it with me in all of my bags as a good luck charm. In it are little charms passed down throughout my family, a locket with pics of my parents in it, a ballerina from a bracelet my great grandma gave me at my first dance recital (when I was 3), and a mini Polaroid of my cutie gf 🥹💖💫
My little black magic, Mischa (L), just recently passed away after two bouts of cancer. She was my dream cat. I’ll never be the same. Her little sister, Manke (R), misses her like crazy and likes to cuddle her sweater. ♥️