Favs: - smooth rocks - nice building or cool architecture. Or just buildings that look like they have a personality. - my cat - a good bowl of pasta - seeing a new leave grown in a houseplant - going for walk and reconnect with nature - stationary - sitting at a bar where the bartender knows your order(not in an alcoholic way) - rewatching your favorite show and knowing the lines -listening to that one song that makes you want to jump up and down and scream and sing to everyone in your life just so they can hear such an amazing masterpiece Unfavs: - Losing a pin - losing a page in a book -people biting their ice cream - going to bed feeling like you forgot something - slipping on ice -👹 <this - having to restart a song because I was distracted during my fav part - snapchat
Jan 24, 2025

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Favs: A good spoon When someone cooks for me a Slice of cake that is not too sweet Sandwiches the smell of book stores Finding a treasure in a thrift store/yard/estate sale My book light High top converse family Recipes Sundresses Drinking wine while on a walk or at a park When a cat closes their eyes when you pet them Playing independent video games Going to the movies and eating popcorn the Beach when it’s early in the morning and it’s just dog walkers and surfers Coffee with floral syrups A pot of beans and fresh tortillas Honey Cinnamon Cardamom Salt Unfavs: Chocolate chip cookies without walnuts A utensil chewed up by a garbage disposal asmr videos, especially the nails tapping on things, why?? Milk Bright lights Microfiber cloth Pilling on clothing Static Mysteriously sticky surfaces Horseradish Paying extra for avocado hearing/seeing people chew with mouths open Being rude to service workers Losing my lip balm
Jan 23, 2025
FAVS: (not in order) - Chocolate - snow - cinema - maps - nature - my mom - making lists - soup - jazz - sudokus - books - mugs - learning - 60s 70s music, movies, everything - puzzles - winning - ice cream - history - animals - the office (the tv show not the place you go to work) - people watching - playing piano (idk how to play it) - mythology - the cold - churches (i’m not religious they‘re just cool) - the ocean - math - old photos and stories - fantasy worlds - cooking - candles - languages - chess UNFAVES: - hot weather (summer is so fun i just can‘t handle sweating and the hot and uggghhh) - eggplants (they are not that bad i just couldn’t think of anything) - waiting in line (its not that bad really) - sintaxis (i actually hate it) - horros movies (i can watch them its the scary thoughts that don’t let me sleep later on that i hate) - lice (do i really need to explain this one?) - lying? idk - nothing comes to mind
Jan 23, 2025
i actually have been keeping a list of things i like because it is a nice way to remember who you are sometimes :) faves: - cornbread - diners (especially 24hr ones) - mangoes - caprese salads - mojitos - peppermint tea - mint in general - cooking in a clean kitchen - photobooths - vaseline rosy lips - light blue gatorade straight from the fridge - art museums - walking down the street on a sunny but cool day and the sun is filtering through the trees - sunsets - sunrises - travelling to new & old places - planning travel - going to the beach - little stores full of fun things & trinkets - mah jong - disneyland - animal crossing - chocolate conchas - cute stickers - reality tv shows about real estate - going to concerts & getting merch hehee - recess therapy's instagram page - my baggu bag - cows - neon signs - sonny angels - basil - watermelon gummy candies - sour belts - cantonese food - mexican food unfavs: - clogged nostrils - feeling itchy while trying to sleep - a cluttered desk - ranch/jalapeno/cheddar/sour cream and onion flavored anything - raw red onions - gnats in the home - ads - haircuts with blunt ends (on myself) - taking out the trash when its been stuffed to the brim
Jan 23, 2025

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