apparently i have the mentality of a five year old so i need to call myself out so i can move on and stop being petty these are my toxic traits: - really liking something until it becomes popular, and then i hate it because ā€œi was there firstā€. like???? be tf fr im an adult donā€™t act like that - not wanting to do smth or getting snappy because im overstimulated. the real world doesnā€™t cater to me or my feelings so i need to get a GRIP - getting distracted easily or having my mind wander off when someone is talking to me. that needs to literally stop because i find myself doing it too much at work - ghosting people unintentionally. i forget people message me too often because i get too caught up in my own thoughts - being lazy to catch up with friends. - not being mentally disciplined. this is a BIG one. the minute i have an inkling that i dont want to do smth most times than not i will find myself not doing it. i need to push though and just do it - not wanting to leave the house after 9pm or not wanting to stay out later than 9pm (which is usually my sit in bed and chill until i sleep around 10 time) my friends invite me out to bars and such (which is not an environment i am fond of) but i need to remind myself theyā€™re inviting me because they want to spend time with me and and value my company. i need to SUCK IT UP - going to beach days (i hate the beach) for the same reasons as above - i need to read more. iā€™m going to start finding books with less than 150 pages to try and get my mind back into being active and discipled. i need to work on my attention span, social media has ruined it. - avoiding all apps that involve doom scrolling, i have an obsessive behaviour and one i start i wont stop - being too lazy to dress nicely for casual occasions. i need to take more pride in my appearance - i dont take the gym seriously enough. i have no back muscles and when i grow old, and if i do nothing about my lack of back muscles, i will become an old woman with a very big hunch back - i donā€™t eat proper meals and i usually just snack. this is a very big one for me and i need to work on my nutrition - i need to spend less time on my phone. i think i might start leaving my phone at home and just take my bank card with me so i can have some proper screen off time now that ive called myself out publicly i need to work on these things and i think my life will change for the better
Jan 25, 2025

Comments (3)

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good on you for calling yourself out on these for self improvement though I donā€™t fault you for hating the beach because same lol
Jan 25, 2025
sniffle LITERALLY, i wouldnā€™t hate it if it wasnā€™t for the sand. The ocean is beautiful, the sand is the anti-christ.
Jan 25, 2025
jilly THANK YOU Iā€™m glad I found someone else who finds sand awful. The way it feels just makes me šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ„²
Jan 25, 2025

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