usually when i feel this way it’s because i haven’t showered in a while. that usually makes me feel 50% better. manually taking care of yourself in general is gonna set you up to feel better. also, just have grace with yourself. go talk to other people. walk or drive to a place you’ve never been to and just explore. break out of the routine!
Jan 26, 2025

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here are some things you can do that might help -clean ur space -journal (brain dump) -meditate -move ur body -take an everything hot shower -change into comfy clothes -eat a warm, comforting, nutritious meal when i notice i'm in a rut i like to do these things to feel better and then slowly start getting into my routine again
After you check in with your doctor or therapist to make sure things are good, the next best thing is to get out of your environment or routine. Plan a weekend trip, visit another country, if you’re in the city, go to the mountains, and vice versa. When you feel like nothing brings you joy, that’s when you really have to make yourself go out and do new things, even if you don’t feel like it. Maybe sign up for a new class, go to a museum, volunteer at an animal shelter. Also: make sure you’re getting enough sleep, going outside, seeing friends/family regularly, and eating relatively well! Sleep alone has a huge impact on how I feel.
Gives you a little more clarity and makes self-improvement less daunting. These sensations, tactile or mental, lets you pay attention to your body, your needs, and meeting such needs. It's a specific action that encourages you to be kinder and gentler to yourself, to take your time. You can do this in baby steps-- smell the fresh, warm laundry and recognize the care you put in to give yourself something nice and clean to wear, hug a friend a little tighter and longer after a really nice day together, write down a song lyric that speaks to you and explain why it does, cry a little louder when you're especially sad.. don't deny yourself emotion! Feeling all of these minute details of your everyday life will remind you of your core values and guide you to what activities and other things you can invest yourself in to make your life more than it was before.
Dec 9, 2024

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