hey y'all, i'm kinda in my feelings currently. my childhood best friend, who i do not keep in touch with anymore, had a baby. she didn't post once about the pregnancy, i found out when she posted a photo of her fresh-out-the-womb newborn. for context, she has another child who she had at 16. while i'm not privy to the whole situation, for the past few years that child (who's now 10) has not been living with her as the primary caretaker, but rather her grandmother (my friend's mom whom i was also super close with growing up). and idk... it's just making me really sad. having another kid with a man you've been moving around the country with (just the two of them), posting about the marriage 8 months after it happened.... it's all just really weird to me. we were best friends for 10 years before she moved to texas from ma. for many years after that, we kept in touch, i've met her first child several times, but the past few years we haven't kept in touch. and i really don't want to, to be honest. i just miss the person i knew her as, and needed to regurgitate my thoughts somewhere. here's a photo of us from the first year we became besties, how many wonderful and sweet memories we had.