I always found it hard to keep in contact with people since I'm not the best texter. Plus, I usualy felt like a floater friend, like I just wasn't in the loop cause people liked others more. Of course, growing apart is nothing bad and if they were truly like that, than it's better that I'm no longer friends with them. However, I got in contact with someone I hadn't spoken with for a long time and it was great. Life gets busy and a lot of people are full in their head from everything. It's not always cause they never think of you (anymore) or don't value your friendship.
Jan 26, 2025

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Agree. Catched up with a friend I haven't spoken to in a minute not so long ago and that was great.
Jan 27, 2025
Have felt the same before and it’s so hard but it’s good to reach out. As I’ve gotten older and more comfortable I realize all you can do is authentically put yourself out there and be vulnerable and whatever you do or don’t get back is real. Friendship and relationships are so interesting!
Jan 27, 2025
always a relief to be reminded that I’m not the only one who feels like the floater friend due to being a bad texter 😭 this gave me a little push to message some friends I haven’t spoken to in a while. Sometimes it’s hard to know how to start that initial text though
Jan 26, 2025
life got hard, i haven’t talked to old pals in a long time, pain is real, but so is time
Jan 26, 2025
i remember i broke the ice when reaching out to an old friend by sending them a post that reminded me of her. i was hesitant at first but i just did it b/c she had to see it! haha. and the convo sort of flowed from there afterwards. but yea, drifting apart is bittersweet
Jan 26, 2025

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if theres someone you still think about and haven’t talked to in forever it is never too late to reach out to them imo! i have done this a bunch and the worst that happens is we reminisce about fun times before the conversation fizzles out, and that is still a sweet experience!! i just started talking to my old best friend again after a few years and just falling back into having everyday normal conversations w her as if we never stopped talking has lifted my mood so much. dm ur childhood friends right now i’m serious
May 3, 2024
I moved countries when I was younger and one of the things I've felt super guilty about recently is not being as close to my childhood friends as I used to be, so I have been making the concious effort to reach out again. Not letting go of friendships that you really value is super important I think.
Jan 30, 2025
This piece really spoke to me, and as recently as 2 weeks ago. My bestie (other friends) and I are just in very different phases of life. She had been busy raising a family and I had far more time on my hands. I had understood, of cos. But still I resented that I had 'lost' a cherished long time friend, I knew in my head, that it's entirely legit that she is busy. And she had felt she had nothing to contribute to our friendship since her stories are all about babies and kids. But after looking around for substitutes and other activities - actually found no one/anything that has any semblance of what we had. So I decided to just call her and just made that reconnection again. I had accepted that 10 mins of her time daily far outweighs 10 hours of someone I don't connect with or have no fond history with. This doesn't just apply to friendships I realise. Because building and maintaining relationships takes actual work. I mean you both have to want to. And you have to have tradeoffs. You can't be rigid, and you can't get all your needs met... But what I learned, is this agreement to still call and leave messages, text back and forth. We had to try different modes and different ways. Previously I also got really upset when I finally got hold of the person, and start off with angry accusations. This too didn't work, because he would get pissed because I was pissed. We still don't have it pat-down (friends/relationships) but my changed perspective did help, especially for me. https://www.wsj.com/lifestyle/relationships/friendship-maintaining-healthy-relationships-text-calls-memes-5e66e221?st=2jl247gjqb814wr&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Apr 10, 2024

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Trying hard is sometimes being looked down upon, it's not ""cool". You know what, who cares. I get comments so often, like "your intense, you're such a try hard or why do you actually ..." and comments a like. I used to see it as weird/mean comments, until later when I realised some people just hate to see others actually enjoying themeselves. Another thing, the fact that I'm doing my best doesn't mean that I excell and tbh I used to find that a bit depressing. But recently I've learned to embrace the fact that it's actually quite nice to just do things, whatever the result. Def a change in mindset on things, but it has been a really nice change in mindset so far.
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While cleaning up the shed, my parents and I found some old cd's and a cd rack. We kind of have this idea that whataver is put on the internet will stay there and although, yes things can come back from the deepest or most abandont parts, just like all other things it somewhat decays. So as of now, I got some cd's again (mostly secondhand). I'm not the type who then starts collecting and consuming for no reason. I'll probably get just enough for the rack to be filled. So my rec would be to think of your favourite genres or specific albums (or with any other media) and then get only those in physical media. Now whatever happens, you'll have it, while also not overspending or consuming <3
Dec 7, 2024