Trying hard is sometimes being looked down upon, it's not ""cool". You know what, who cares. I get comments so often, like "your intense, you're such a try hard or why do you actually ..." and comments a like. I used to see it as weird/mean comments, until later when I realised some people just hate to see others actually enjoying themeselves. Another thing, the fact that I'm doing my best doesn't mean that I excell and tbh I used to find that a bit depressing. But recently I've learned to embrace the fact that it's actually quite nice to just do things, whatever the result. Def a change in mindset on things, but it has been a really nice change in mindset so far.
Nov 22, 2024

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It's funny isn't it, how often we compare ourselves to others when we are looking up and forward. Which is something I think you might be doing, looking forward instead of constantly looking back. To preface I don't know you enough to make any assumption or tell you what to do, but this could be something you can fall back to that's in the back of your head whenever you feel this way! Enjoy the little things! I doubt telling you not to feel this way or keep telling yourself you're awesome would work because they never worked on me, so just enjoy the little moments in life that makes you -- if not smile -- smirk a bit. You saw something that reminds you of a fond memory, you did something new that is small yet unique to you? celebrate those moments because those moments are what makes you inherently you. Someone here also said familiarity of yourself can be a way making you feel lame, but isn't that also such a gift because you are so in tune with yourself? You know what you're doing even if you think they are nothing comparing to others. And ultimately, maybe this could be a starting point for you to create/try/ experiment things too! If you think of yourself so far back already, what's to loose for you to break the status quo? right? Be the dryer sheet that could cause fire and burn down the entire house or something hehe. And if it goes to shit we just won't tell anybody about it. HA! To quote what I've seen somewhere during my lowest low during the pandemic- "There is no one like you, there has never been anyone like you, and there will never be anyone like you. Therefore, be yourself" beep boop bop beep boop
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I’ve been in the same boat. Since I was 13 I became really self conscious of my appearance, mainly due to other people’s comments, and then that was exacerbated from 16-18 during college because people got meaner for some reason. I felt terrible, and the lockdowns unexpectedly saved me as it gave me a break from all those people. It made me realise I should only stick with people who like me for who I am, not how I look. Then ignore all those comments and ignore those people, make them feel awkward for saying those things if they do. Even if people aren’t saying comments, just think less of what others think of you. You are what you are, don’t try to change your appearance just to please people who might not care much about you in the first place. Don’t let your appearance bring you down, ignore those annoying flaws and be more confident to outshine any imperfections you think you might have. Don’t be afraid to do things you enjoy and spend time with new people. Ofc others may have different advice as my problems are either impossible to change or very difficult to, so I’ve learned to be content with how my body is, and just play with the hand I’ve been dealt (which unfortunately means I’m not perfect at this and for instance still wear more clothes than others during the summer). But I’m generally very happy now with lots of good friends who like me for who I am.
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I always found it hard to keep in contact with people since I'm not the best texter. Plus, I usualy felt like a floater friend, like I just wasn't in the loop cause people liked others more. Of course, growing apart is nothing bad and if they were truly like that, than it's better that I'm no longer friends with them. However, I got in contact with someone I hadn't spoken with for a long time and it was great. Life gets busy and a lot of people are full in their head from everything. It's not always cause they never think of you (anymore) or don't value your friendship.
Jan 26, 2025
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