I usually paint my own nails myself rather than going to a salon and this top coat is my holy grail. I was introduced to it in high school when my friend used it on my nails during class. I was worried about walking around with wet nails all day, but it was not an issue with this stuff. It dries really fast – in 2 minutes or so – but also makes your nail polish look fantastic. People often ask me if it’s gel polish. Get into it. 
Jan 26, 2025

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Yesss I swear by this top coat
Jan 26, 2025

Related Recs

For years I dutifully visited the salon every two weeks to paint and fill long acrylic nails that were difficult to type with, expensive and prone to fungus. Then, COVID hit. I started going to pool parties at my friend Jamie Nelson’s house, saw her luxe red talons, impervious to salon closures, and learned the secret: press on nails. They look like a full set but are cheap, long lasting, easy to apply and easy to remove when you want to do human things like type your novel or pick up a penny. I’ve tried some fun ones on Etsy but find the best quality nails are made by the brand Kiss and are widely available anywhere basic self-care sundries are sold.
Nov 16, 2022
got tired of gel manicures damaging my nails (or if i'm being real, me picking off the gel once it starts peeling). on day 5 of using dazzle dry, and my nails still look perfect. love that you can remove it just with regular nailpolish remover.
Feb 5, 2024

Top Recs from @riotgrrrl

As Perfectly Imperfect subscribers know, being into shit is cool. This was an early rec I made on the PI.FYI app, inspired by Facebook’s “like” feature formerly being called “become a fan” because I find the verbiage so sweet and so supportive. It’ll always be way cooler to be an embarrassing superfan than to have 0 interests. 
Jan 26, 2025
Get out of the house and be in the world but in a cozy, private kinda way. Life changing
Jan 27, 2024