My family cats that I am so sad I can’t be with everyday, they are 14 and aren’t brother and sister but basically are now and they are really the best they’re always laying on each other and literally half the time make a perfect heart Stupid but I’m tearing up just looking at this because they’re getting up there age wise but hopefully theyve got a few more healthy years
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Jan 26, 2025

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hi enzo and lulu!! my friends cat is 23 or 24 and also survived their house exploding. I'm sure you cats will live to be sooooo old
Jan 27, 2025

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Double the fun 🤩 I feel so happy every time I see them.
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I leaned on my childhood dogs (pictured ft. teen me with acne) a lot growing up for companionship and emotional support. The pets I’ve had in my adult life have all been with me at differing stages of my life and have grounded me and given me a sense of purpose in taking care of them even when I had nothing else and felt like I was doing everything wrong in life. My dog Benny is teaching me to be patient and how to handle frustration and take care of the needs of a very sensitive emotional creature lol… My cat Bunny is very shy and odd due to illness she suffered as a kitten that led her to be quarantined, which can be frustrating to me sometimes because I kind of wish she would be more like the two cuddly gregarious cats I’ve had who I lost before their time. But I looked at it from another point of view yesterday and had the thought that maybe I bonded with my other cats instantly because they weren’t going to be with me for very long, but my life with Bunny is going to be something that unfolds over the span of many years so our bond is going to take more time to develop and maybe someday it’ll be just as strong if not stronger. I think that’s beautiful 🥹
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