as human with choice so language and all its constraints are not my friend. learning about language change has really changed my perspective on eveyrhting. uknow theres only three records of shakespeare writing his name and get this- every time it was different! because the rules of language are all impositions. and i simply DESPISE! how people act like some divine omnipotent being came down to delcare that every word spoken must adhere to arbitrary rules. no, the losers of this world have been trying to impose order onto the inherently absurd since the 1400s. simple put, everything is in constant flux and change. one day nobody will understand english and all our so dear verbs and grammartical rules will be akin to a butterfly flapping its wings in the light. simply un-understandable. so i think illiteracy or percieved illiteracy- to make your own lingo and stay to your dialect is a great way to rebel against the malevolent forces of capital.
Jan 27, 2025

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it makes me feel like tearing my skin off in chunks. i hate it with a passion. especially when people choose to willfully misinterpret you because the self righteous euphoria that they get from feeling like they’re right is more important than actual human communication. im practically vibrating with anger right now it feels like i’ve swallowed a bee. anyways. be kind love others never attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence the world is so much bigger than the palm of your hand.
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