it makes me feel like tearing my skin off in chunks. i hate it with a passion. especially when people choose to willfully misinterpret you because the self righteous euphoria that they get from feeling like they’re right is more important than actual human communication. im practically vibrating with anger right now it feels like i’ve swallowed a bee. anyways. be kind love others never attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence the world is so much bigger than the palm of your hand.

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i’ve recently realkzed that growing up is accepting the fact that u won’t be understood and or liked by the majority of people u meet if ur not like the masses. but it makes sense bc i personally hate what the masses are doing and id say people on here do too. and idk if the masses are the right term but hopefully it makes some sense :/
Dec 9, 2024
staysexyhavefun i guess it’s just a different side in having to find what u want within u, not outside of u. you can’t expect to find comfort in others but u can if you’re truly in touch with yourself.
Dec 9, 2024
why be obtuse when you can be acutie?
Dec 9, 2024

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