If you still want to do stuff with your hands maybe try finger painting or just making ur own rules with paint I feel like kite flying could be a good time and it wouldn't hurt your hands TOO much But other than that you got hiking, sports like soccer, singing, music production, reading But idk
Jan 28, 2025

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All good stuff 😌👍 Kite flying especially! When I was a kid there was this one hill that held a kite flying event, so much fun!! Could be a fun thing to collect too 😯
Jan 28, 2025

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Getting familiar with the tactile markers for all of the coins. So u can find them without having to look at them. Doodling is a classic if ur at a desk or table,, just draw squares and add more shapes onto them. you dont have to make anything it's just good for dexterity and precision in ur hands/fingies. Crochet is kinda tired rn but its pretty easy to do without looking at ur hands if ur watching something.. Rubbing urself. not sexually... just putting pressure on ur joints or sore muscles or places no one ever squeezes... You're allowed to do that. Practicing the coolest ways to hold a pen or a cigarette or a mug or whatever... theres always a chill af way to like.. spin a pen or act like you're a lowkey badass for swiping ur keycard a certain way...
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i use apps (the Opal app) to help cut down screen time, which somewhat works, but I find that crafting helps me the most. I learned to crochet in the past year and it's amazing to do in front of the TV, where normally I'd sit and move my eyes between 2 different screens. I also take it on planes, trains, etc., anywhere where I could scroll endlessly while waiting. Also is nice to craft before bed while perhaps listening to music or a podcast. The world is your oyster! Other crafts you can do: knitting, embroidery, needlepoint, drawing, painting, handbuilding
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recommendation image
I honestly don’t do much with my hands it’s sad and pod person like of me but I can type at 140 wpm. I USED to play viola, draw, paint and collage (see pictured, I got really into using rough-edged masking tape as an harsh accent at one point) and I would love to pick these things back up. I loved to do journals that were like a scrapbook where I would affix little mementoes and papers and things. Thinking about getting into gardening in alignment with my ancestral legacy… getting in touch with my roots one might say. I always enjoyed propagating potting and planting plants/seeds with my dad growing up.
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I'm kinda loving this. I'm in the stages of being super confused and not understanding what's going on but this is nice. I like how slow it is on my computer I'm SO excited to slowly (but surely) get that instant gratification need out of here
Jan 2, 2025
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I store some if my stuff under my bed but not in a messy way. I don't have drawers so I use plastic bins that are big but pretty short for clothes and you can cover it with a duvet or your comforter/blanket or whatever.
Jan 28, 2025