i love going on youtube and seeing a new criterion closet video, especially when it’s an actor or director that i like. i get so hype for these 2-5 minute videos they end up being highlights of my day. silly but fun
Do you know that guy on YouTube who asks people with perfect style what they’re wearing and gives them 2$? I’ve been OBSESSED with his videos for 2 years now literally therapeutic. Watching what people wear is so inspiring, and when I find someone with the same aesthetic as me? Ughhh, pure joy. I could binge-watch these for hours!”
Finished a movie that i loved? i’ll go see a resction. Bored of rewarching a tv show that i have basically memorized? I’ll watch a reaction video. Found an amazing song? I’ll watch another reaction. My yt is all reaction videos (and vlogs and people talking about maps)
we all have too many water bottles and other vessels for consuming liquid, i know i do. see how long the ones you have will last you, make it a little challenge, pass it down to your grandkids. f#%* it, anything can be an heirloom
not sure exactly what this site is about but i'm trying to keep twitter off my phone so ig i can post about comics, movies, music, and other nerd stuff here. i just started collecting and reading this martian manhunter mini-series from 2019. very excited about it.