I mean talk to your doctor etc etc, but as a chronically ill person with frequent nausea (which is strangely not one of the primary symptoms/uses they list on the front of the box??), these save me usually within 30 minutes of taking them. 🙌🏻
probiotic gummies are a godsend.
oatmeal too ( I eat the dinosaur egg ones because I am a child.)
and replacing dairy when you can. (oatly's barista edition is so good. It replaced regular regular milk in my cereal.
I'm so close to being in remission.
but the emotional part is fucking me up because it's a whole ass lifestyle change that I'm just not used to... (the hardest part is giving up caffeine. I would shotgun two redbulls in the morning and then go about my day. I quit cold turkey but boy do I miss the caffeine. Coffee doesn't work in the same way)
I’ve been taking these pills for years whenever I’m sick & I swear by them. I also recommend liposomal vit c + d and heavily reducing caffeine and sugar intake til you’re better
bc it’s what I originally wanted when I first went to college at 17 but I was scared to make writing my job and got a B.S. in Nutrition instead lol
Now the goal is an eventual PhD in Victorian Literature but I’m just happy to have made it through this part at 32!
Stacked is everything I read in my English courses—barely pictured are the 5 stuffed accordion folders of other reading materials under my chair haha