the closest i get to consciously experiencing sleep. bonus points if you’re way past when you know you should have gone to bed, you finally do, your eyelids are heavy, then you lay down and every sleep position imaginable is somehow perfectly comfortable. *chefs kiss*
The vulnerability, the care, the cramp in your foot that doesn't actually matter at all because they look so peaceful sleeping. How there is no way you’re falling asleep in this position but that’s okay.
i think i do things during the day just so when i get into bed it feels amazing and cool. a freshly changed set of sheets and a warm duvet in a cold room is basically heaven. i don't fuck with anything fancy. i don't have a routine. i lie down and i pass out and i wake up eight hours later not totally sure of where i am and i do this every night.
we all have too many water bottles and other vessels for consuming liquid, i know i do. see how long the ones you have will last you, make it a little challenge, pass it down to your grandkids. f#%* it, anything can be an heirloom
not sure exactly what this site is about but i'm trying to keep twitter off my phone so ig i can post about comics, movies, music, and other nerd stuff here. i just started collecting and reading this martian manhunter mini-series from 2019. very excited about it.