My journal is very chaotic and has a lot of collages, sticker dumps, poems and quotes I like, along with more structured diary entries, but one of my favourite things to do in it is what I call free journaling. I’m sure this is not a new concept, I just haven’t looked into it at all. All you do is write anything and everything that comes to your mind even if that is “I don’t know what to write right now. I’m really bored.” It’ll start with that but as you write you start to tune in more to the things around you and how your body feels, and you might start describing what the room looks like, or what you did that day to lead you to this point, or some strange idea for a project, or how the pen feels in your hand. I had a professor once say to start writing by just starting and making a word vomit page, then open a new document and completely rewrite it. I have taken that advice into my journaling and just done this word-vomit free journaling, then taken some keys ideas/ phrases and used them elsewhere, but also, you don’t have to ever look at it ever again. It gives you the chance to really let go, and let your brain warm up.
Jan 29, 2025

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Thank you so much! I will implement free journaling and word vomit immediately🙏
Jan 29, 2025

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These past few days, I’ve been having a knack of writing out my feelings, experiences and just little random thoughts that would appear in my head from time to time. However, I’ve been wanting to amp it up and really improve my journaling life. I stumbled across junk journling. I’d see people collect the randomest of things, from receipts to bottle caps, to even clothing tags; which in my head, it just looked like junk to me. However, the end result of these junk entries always turned out to be so beautifully put together. It gave the journal personality, and even made the journal entries look more raw. I was in awe. I have not started yet, but i’ve already been collecting some things such as train tickets, reciepts, sticker, and postcard. I didn’t realize how many creative entries can be used with such things. Hello? It’s even more environmentally friendly. Things that one would just throw away after one use, can be reused and collected as a memento. I can’t wait to partake in this activity, and i’ll probably start posting it on here too.
Jan 30, 2025
I've been journaling lately, and it's been such a game-changer! It's super simple – just grab a notebook or even an app on your phone. The best part is, there's no right or wrong way to do it. You can write (draw) about anything that's on your mind, from daily happenings to random thoughts and feelings. It's a great way to clear your head and get in touch with yourself. Plus, it can be really therapeutic to see your thoughts on paper (or screen). You might find it helps you process stuff and even spark some new ideas. Give it a try
Jun 11, 2024
i have a couple of different things i like to do: 1. reflect on the day through the senses - make a chart of things you saw, ate, smelled, touched, etc. 2. write/brain dump immediately you wake up, aka “morning pages” i tend to write a lot about my dreams from the night before and i remember them better 3. i feel like i journaled more when i let myself write in word bubbles, doodle, free association, etc. 4. subscribe to really great reflective journal prompt email newsletter
May 10, 2024

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