Y’know, like comfort media. The kind of thing you find yourself coming back to every year. Maybe it’s nostalgia, maybe you’re sentimental, or maybe it’s just good for a laugh. I came across this again the other night, after not seeing it for a few months. Was reminded that I’ve been watching it sporadically every year for half a decade now. The algorithm seems to send it to me a couple times a year and every time it does, I’m reminded of how much I love it. Maybe it’s the atmosphere. the first 4 minutes of birds chirping. the greens and blues that radiate off the screen. Maybe it’s just the music. But everytime, without failure, it makes me hopeful. Optimistic about everything still coming. Do you have one? I can’t be alone here. share it, if you do. I’d love to watch it and hear about what makes it special to you :)
Jan 30, 2025

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