i’m averaging 14,000 steps a day for the past year, why? i walk everywhere. at one point i was averaging 16,000 (this is my flex). you get to explore a city and now when people ask me for directions i can actually tell them bc i’ve gotten really good at knowing where i am. if it takes less than an hour for me to walk from a to b, i will walk. if i have enough time i’ll walk 2+ hours just to see someone. just put on a good playlist/pod and go go go!!
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Jan 29, 2024

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yesss when i worked in midtown i would try to walk home (downtown) as many times per week as possible (about 1hr)!!! it made me feel more at home in the city especially after like 2 years of doing it. i left that job a few weeks ago and desperately need a new walking practice bc i feel so still. i got so much energy and joy from my walks. they were such little adventures every time.
Jan 30, 2024
why i love living in Belfast! a lovely walkable city
Jan 30, 2024
mine is so bad and it sends me multiple humiliating reminders throughout the day that i haven’t moved enough
Jan 29, 2024
wreb nyc!
Jan 29, 2024
this is genuinely so impressive !!
Jan 29, 2024

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i think its bc im used to walking everywhere in general but having at least a 10 minute walk will completely change my mood and entire day. even thru rain or snow, i will just layer up and try to achieve this- sometimes its impossible but its been 95% successful so far!!! truly life changing <3 just throw on a good playlist or podcast, or use it to think about stuff
Apr 18, 2024
i could walk anywhere for any amount of time and never get bored + free transportation + you feel proud looking at your step count after
Jan 27, 2024
If you have a dog, walk them! If not, walk anyway! I have found my whole life that walking is the best way to feed my mind, body, and soul simultaneously… and to see and discover any new city. I travel a lot with my films, and sometimes I clock in 13 miles in a day… On any day at home,  it’s a sacred time, as the sun sets and we walk our dogs. But if I can take care of phone calls, listen to podcasts, do Zooms and catch up with my partner and friends while moving my feet down the street, waving at neighbors and taking in the natural beauty that is waiting to be discovered around every corner - I will choose that any day. Wandering around a city is also our favorite way to experience any city in the world.
Jan 16, 2025

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if you think you’re the smartest person in your friend group you’re weird and annoying. the best friendships come out of mutual awe and respectability. be friends with people who make you want to know more things.
Jan 29, 2024
i will never be in a situationship in the same way i will never be in the land of oz--it's just not real. i think using the word doesn't let you self-reflect in a way that is truly helpful. i was telling my friend about the awkwardness of seeing an exhook up in a relationship bc i thought we had mutual feelings and she said "oh your exsituationship" and i thought (for the first time) no, we had clear boundaries i just got my hopes up. my point is that instead of using situationship as a catch-all for not quite dating or wtv failed prospect, take it as a moment to reflect on what exactly went wrong. idk if this is profound or not
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preaching to the choir here but it will be brat kind of summer
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