I love menswear. Like after my wife / daughter / truck, my 4th greatest love is menswear. And there’s nothing better than menswear with lore. Which is why I’ve hunted down and am in talks to put in a (lowball) offer on shoes with a fun history attached to them. Ugly? — Yes. Culturally significant? — No. Special to me? — Extremely. Why wear just regular clothing when you can wear clothing that looks like it was formulated in a lab?
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Jan 30, 2025

Comments (3)

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They're beautiful!
Feb 1, 2025
I’m not convinced these are ugly!! what kind of shoe are they?
Jan 31, 2025
laurahhhhhh not sure if you read the link I attached, but they were an experiment by Yuketen. They’re a little Unorthodox, in a good way. That squiggle along the toe box is a funky take on a moc toe shoe, like a Paraboot Michael. You’re right that they’re aren’t ugly per se, but they are a little “off” which I love.
Jan 31, 2025

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florinegrassenhopper riotgrrrl brendanooooo slowdazzle buck_mcgraw and indianjones — we did it. Not only did we successfully meet for drinks, but we also schemed the hostile takeover of this app from tyler tonight. In all seriousness — weird that an app I downloaded in April would make genuinely want to drive back into Brooklyn during end of day traffic for a happy hour. Great app filled with great people.
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I feel like there’s a special connectivity on this app that I haven’t felt in a long time, maybe since early 2010’s tumblr. The fact that you can’t promote yourself like IG is wonderful. The fact that there isn’t mass video content like Tik Tok is great. It’s not this monetized / paid sponsorship app. People are here because they want to be a part of something with nothing to gain besides friendship. Seeing the URL -> IRL meetups warms my heart so much (waiting for an NYC or Brooklyn meetup). Thanks for your participation on this niche little app. I smile reading all the recs and all the comments and all the asks. Hope we’ll all be here for a long time.
Jun 15, 2024
I think a life rule for me is to surround myself with people who know more / are smarter / are cooler than me and just absorb their aura by listening / observing them. It’s made me the incredibly smart / cool person you all know and love. I just never thought I’d feel the same way about URL friends. I’m constantly listening to the songs I see posted here, reading the articles, subbing to newsletters, and googling topics that get tossed onto the feed. It’s nice to know you can become a more rounded person by just absorbing what your mutuals post on here. I’m going to sit on my couch, have a cocktail and digest my lovely feed. Happy Sunday!
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