Imagine living in the 19th century and you don't ever hear music except when your daughter plays the pianoforte or someone hums a tune. And then you decide to have a night out and go to Beethoven. You sit down in the theater, anticipation building. Then the curtain opens and the first three notes of Beethoven's Fifth ring out. It's some kind of euphoria. I feel like we miss that when we listen to so much music all the time. It cheapens the effect it has. So I'm starting to only listen to music when I can sit down and appreciate it and only it, not just have it in the background. Highly recommend.
Jan 30, 2025

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While I love lots of music and have created way too many playlists, I always get fixated on the same five songs during a period of time, before inevitably finding new ones to be attached to (and ā€œretiringā€ the previous ones into the void of my Spotify liked list). I used to think it was a strange way to listen to music, especially since I can be so obsessed with a select # of songs and then just forget they exist, or only revisit years later. But when I do go back, or hear the songs play out in the wild, itā€™s so cathartic and bittersweet. I can remember the exact chapter of my life, how I was feeling at the time/what I was going through, and it reminds me how much time has passed and all the experiences Iā€™ve had/the various people Iā€™ve met (temporary or not). I can remember and feel the feelings, and then just allow it to fade back into the background. I doubt Iā€™m the only one listening to music this way, but if thatā€™s not you, itā€™s a sentimental outlook to lean into!
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From the very start, I'd like to mention thatĀ one should not be listening to music all the time, like a background to everything you do. Because the effects might be just the opposite to what one hopes to achieve. Because if you are always surrounded by the music, it has a zombifying effect. It takes over your mind and consciousness, or, rather, SUB-conscious, and you, without realizing it, simply become suggestive and passive, like a robot, driven by some program. In a way, it works just like any drug.
Music is so easy to access. Sometimes its good to take a break. Makes you appreciate it more when you return to listening
Dec 12, 2023

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you would not believe the stuff in there.
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