loooooove getting rid of things i don’t use anymore………was borderline a hoarder for most of my life, but something shifted recently and i just wanna get rid of things…….a little tasteful clutter is nice, i’m by no means a minimalist, but i think i just reached a point where my things were overwhelming me instead of comforting me. doing my best now to crack down and get rid of anything that’s just collecting dust
Jan 30, 2025

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i've always liked to collect things. i'm the type of person to assign an extremely disproportinate amount of sentimental value onto something admittedly pretty stupid. over the three years ive been in my current apartment, ive amassed an impressive amount of little goobabs and trinkets. however, its all gotten very overwhelming at this point. especially since ive been having a terrible time mentally, having all this stuff cluttering my sacred space is slowly turning from a comfort to something that is suffocating me entirely. SO! today started my journey of purging all my unnecessary items, and i already feel so much better now that ive committed myself to it. i wanna share this so someone will bare witness to what im doing and ill feel bad if i wuss out, haha. this is your sign to cherish what you have and cut away anything that does not serve you anymore. 🫶
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i’m such an advocate for regular ass people doing art. or anything new that “requires skill” really we are so scared of doing things because we’re not any good at them. so what. karaoke with the confidence of a popstar even if your voice cracks and you don’t know breath support. paint even if it looks like a toddler made it. play the same three guitar chords and paint your furniture with a kitchen sponge and try to bake macarons. it’s so sad that people who aren’t, like, professionally skilled, get laughed at for their art. or like i said, trying any skill that isn’t honed yet there’s something so important and human in the arts, its such an amazing outlet but people refuse to tap into it because they “can’t draw a stick figure” or “write too cliche” or “have two left feet”. DO IT POORLY!!!!! DO IT SCARED!!!!! DO THE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO DEEP DOWN IN YOUR SOUL EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU’RE BAD AND FEEL EMBARASSED!!!!! let yourself have fun with things!!!!!!!! it shouldn’t be a competition all the time. you probably are not ariana grande, but you’re allowed to have fun singing and stuff too. if you have a voice in your head that laughs at you when you’re not immediately good at something, learn to gently correct it. tell it you’re learning and you’ll never be any good at something if you don’t have the courage to just….start. somewhere, anywhere
Feb 1, 2025
recommendation image
was inspired by josh-chun’s beautiful show stopping seal lamp to post MY favorite lamp ……… also animal shaped …………… got it from the thrift store and i was afraid it wouldn’t work. i also did not have anywhere to put it. but it was labeled $0.49 so i said shit whatever !!!!!!!!!!!! turns out it DOES work and casts a spectacular orange glow…….not to mention i found a place for it next to my desk…………….rec of the day is lamps you guys. buy lamps. they will change u
Jan 29, 2025