i’m definitely not the first person here to make a rec about this, but my tired brain is truly rejoicing. i have a very hard time completely leaving it since i communicate and share creative work through the app, but i think i’ve decided i will only be on it once a week or when i need/want to post. that’s all. as an already anxious person, seeing the same anxiety-inducing general information (as in something i could easily find on google or a news app) be reposted by 20+ people on their stories has become HELL, especially these last few weeks. not only that, but the constant push of personal opinions about such matters (even if i agree with them) just seems to warp your perception of people. maybe i’m just a wimp, but i don’t think humans were meant to see each other in such a way; we’re not so flashy and impulsive face to face. add the endless scrolling onto that, and it’s downright exhausting and kills productivity. there is so much more dimension and depth to humans and life than what is said or done or seen through this screen. can we please go back to flip phones?
Jan 31, 2025

Comments (16)

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I have just done the same with Instagram and tik tok, I find myself looking to other apps(this one) for a filler but I run out of things faster and now I’m not on my phone as much and it’s so much nicer
Jan 31, 2025
schiesser yeah dude. when i realized how i’d just pick up my phone and immediately start scrolling on ig out of habit, i knew something haaaad to change.
Jan 31, 2025
I also communicate with friends and do a lot of creative things through Instagram, but removing it from my home page and only opening it when I need to post has been super helpful at cutting down on my screen time!! I feel like I already have so much time to do work and my hobbies now too :-)
Jan 31, 2025
bjerre this is awesome! it was super easy for me to get attached to it since i deal with photography, but unfortunately i started neglecting all of my other creative hobbies. i’m hoping this helps me get back into them :)
Jan 31, 2025
Now is a good time to get off. Even before they announced changes to their content moderation, I’ve felt my ”For You” recommendations starting to get weird. Also, it’s a bad sign when they’ve seen how X has played out and then Zuckerberg publicly states “We’re making Meta more like X.” Enough said. I’m out.
Jan 31, 2025
tbh i haven’t used it since 2016 and have never once had a regret about it. you can do it and it will vastly improve your self esteem.
Jan 31, 2025
also it seems like everything on there one way or another is structured to be a performance. i wonder if people still do things if it isn't for the sake of posting
Jan 31, 2025
phuong agreed!! i’m guilty of it myself at times.
Jan 31, 2025
carolinebreeden For me, I’ve posted about leaving not as more “content” but to encourage others to do the same. I’d been pretty unhappy on IG for awhile but stayed on to remain connected with some friends. The minute I saw a friend of mine post “I’m leaving,“ I was like Thank god, then I’m leaving too. By talking about it, even if it’s performative for some, I hope it encourages people to get off these major, algorithm-controlled platforms and try something different. It’s also encouraged me to exchange different contact info with online friends and acquaintance: websites, blogs, newsletters, emails, etc.
Jan 31, 2025
I hate instagram it turns me into someone im not. I used to love it, I considered it to be a safe space for someone like me. However these past years it feels like people are just there to brag and this underlying tone of competition of who can look the coolest. Instagram used to be fun and authentic now everything is catered and carefully curated it feels like people will stone you if you post a random picture of your dog in the living room or something idk. Nothing is real on that app.
Jan 31, 2025
evilfag dude. amen. i signed up for a silly fun time and pictures of people and things i love, not this weird competition that i don’t even think most people are aware they’re feeding into!!!
Jan 31, 2025
yes to your last question. I got a flip phone today.
Jan 31, 2025
mattshawsome so awesome. i’m gonna be waiting for an update once you’ve had it for a little while!
Jan 31, 2025
i deleted a few days ago and sheeeeeesh the mental clarity returns quickly!!
Jan 31, 2025
this so hard
Jan 31, 2025
Ugh I felt the same way. I deactivated my account months ago and haven’t missed it one bit.
Jan 31, 2025

Related Recs

I need a place to archive my thoughts in a dated manner, but also not on instagram. I used to post things pretty frequently on my stories and then have a 'highlights' of the year that I could go back to look at, but now, I am not so comfortable sharing on such a commercial soul sucking platform that is data mining and surveilling and selling. I also feel like I am not, in my core, a good person. There are very few people who, when I see their success and happiness, spark genuine joy for me. For the most, I have to take a deep breath and remind myself that their life does not affect mine and that I should not let the display of their wealth of happiness, opportunity and beauty spoil the pursuit of my own. Some days, I feel so engrossed in knowing and wanting to know the updates of all the people around me. Now, I just want to shrink and disappear, I do not want people to know what I am up to and I do not want to peripherally watch others either. I want to focus on myself. I feel like I need to cut the plug on instagram with a hard delete. Maybe I will just buy myself a photo printer and print out the 'instagram' shots with their memories and make my own photobook instead. But I need to find a new way to document and archive my life.
Feb 8, 2025
Generally speaking, I wanna reorganize the way I use the internet. I wanna participate and interact with people. I feel like on Instagram I’ve been worrying too much about the mystique I create for myself, like I’m constantly advertising myself. It feels icky and I’m ready to give it up.
Dec 30, 2024
about two weeks ago, i deleted all social media from my phone. tiktok, instagram & facebook. i truly think this was one of the best decisions i made. i find myself living my days a little less stressed and i find myself engaging in the world more. my biggest fear before deleting the apps was that i would be completely out of touch with the world. i did feel like that for the first week, but after the 'detox' i felt better. i still stay in touch with news, i use Reuters and NPR to stay up to date as they are pretty unbiased compared to other news outlets. often i go to a site called allsides where i can see how the news is being reported across the spectrum. every so often, i'll open instagram on my browser for a little bit and can really only stay on there for like 5 minutes. i no longer see the appeal and quite frankly it stresses me out to be on there. i am not ignorant to the things going on in the world, i have just found joy in finding out about things in a different way. i have linked the allsides website to this post, i think it's worth looking at because it is really interesting to see how different outlets report things.

Top Recs from @carolinebreeden

this world is too cold and life is too short to not make sure that the people around you know you love them, that they matter to you. stop this mindset of needing to be nonchalant!!!! if someone leaves you after you tell them you love them, well, they weren’t mean to stick around anyways. tell your friends, your family, your lovers that they are what makes life worth living! that they are sunshine personified to your heart and soul!! the real ones will stay, and they’ll tell you the same. too many people don’t realize how loved they are. 2025 is the year of telling people you love them. flat out.
recommendation image
i’m tired of acting like this isn’t one of the greatest songs of our generation. i swear there is something injected into this. i could be having a horrible day, but if i hear even just the first few seconds of sexyback, my worries are behind me. had to wake up really early for something important? sexyback will hype you up. sexyback heals all.