Awesome Australian group playing emo/shoegaze/quiet loud with the Aussie twist on it and I think they’re so awesome. supporting Julie on their Aus tour. See also Armlock. Melbourne scene is crazy good
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Jan 31, 2025

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found out about this one from my twitter oomfs when it released a few weeks back and ive been OBSESSED. super catchy cathartic uk emo, every song on this ep is an absolute banger. the riffs are awesome, the drums are powerful, the harmonies are huge, just lovelovelovelovelove. almost like an angsty, anthemic algernon cadwallader. super duper jealous they’re across the atlantic but as soon as they find their way to the states i will be doing everything in my power to see them. HIGHLY recommend, t_failz EOTY.
Nov 24, 2024
Went to their concert recently and they’re so much fun! Such high energy and their songs are really cool Aussie Indie!
Dec 28, 2024

Top Recs from @DILLIGAF1000

Death Grips may have died for like the fifth fucking time but their (nailgun's) new song sickle walk is def scratching that itch for me so its all good. Music to make you feel actually insane I love it.
Feb 11, 2025
I have pretty niche tastes but I didn't choose that just like you didn't really choose to like Drake (apart from searching for stuff that you like). I had an ex girlfriend who was really into Taylor Swift which I had no problem with, I even got into a few songs to try relate to her on it, but whenever we would get talking about music she would kinda shut it down, even though I wanted to try have that exchange of art we like. I don't know how to word this too well but I think a lot of the time this 'evil competition' is just a result of people with different taste being afraid to try connecting. Also I probably enjoy Drake just as much or more than you might enjoy some noise rock or some shit. I AM AWFUL AT AUX. You can probably play music you like to a car full of people and they will like it. I am genuinely BANNED FROM AUX IN MY GROUP. It's way cooler to be able to enjoy music with such a large group of people than listening to some underground shit alone. If there are people that treat music like a competition to be more niche that's just so fucking lame and uncool. I just like what I like and I wish I liked Drake because I'd have more fun at parties. If you like Drake then you should listen to Drake because that's what you like.
Feb 11, 2025