I have pretty niche tastes but I didn't choose that just like you didn't really choose to like Drake (apart from searching for stuff that you like). I had an ex girlfriend who was really into Taylor Swift which I had no problem with, I even got into a few songs to try relate to her on it, but whenever we would get talking about music she would kinda shut it down, even though I wanted to try have that exchange of art we like. I don't know how to word this too well but I think a lot of the time this 'evil competition' is just a result of people with different taste being afraid to try connecting. Also I probably enjoy Drake just as much or more than you might enjoy some noise rock or some shit. I AM AWFUL AT AUX. You can probably play music you like to a car full of people and they will like it. I am genuinely BANNED FROM AUX IN MY GROUP. It's way cooler to be able to enjoy music with such a large group of people than listening to some underground shit alone. If there are people that treat music like a competition to be more niche that's just so fucking lame and uncool. I just like what I like and I wish I liked Drake because I'd have more fun at parties. If you like Drake then you should listen to Drake because that's what you like.