This is an artist I really like that sells large canvases. Not sure what your budget is, but supporting artists directly is the best route imo, so even if this isn’t your vibe, scroll instagram, get to know your local art scene
buy your friends art or buy a strangers art. not the mass produced stuff but that weird little sketch or painting or whatever. support folks, sometimes you find out 20 years later that someone was in the whitney biennial and you have one of their drawings from when they were a teenager and that’s pretty cool. buy stuff for $25 or $2000 or whatever you can afford - give your money to artists when you can!
Be sure to check out his stuff you can probably score a reproduction for pretty cheap. Or maybe even an imitation by an actual working artist, always good to support local
Maybe this isn’t so much a fix for staff, but I feel like the reposting of things has gotten a bit lame. I don’t want the “Everyone” feed to be the same post 20 times with nothing added, especially when the thing being re-rec’d isn’t even a real reccomendation in the first place. I like this app because it is different than Instagram and Twitter and tumblr and the like. I feel like people are trying to interact similarly to those other apps here. I feel like we are all drifting back into creating the same social media AGAIN.
My vote would be to remove the feature entirely, but I see how it can be used thoughtfully
I like to make jewelry that would fulfill my inner child’s wishlist! I also sell the jewelry and I like to do silly photoshoots and edit the pictures to show it off. Like tow arts in one