Maybe this isnā€™t so much a fix for staff, but I feel like the reposting of things has gotten a bit lame. I donā€™t want the ā€œEveryoneā€ feed to be the same post 20 times with nothing added, especially when the thing being re-recā€™d isnā€™t even a real reccomendation in the first place. I like this app because it is different than Instagram and Twitter and tumblr and the like. I feel like people are trying to interact similarly to those other apps here. I feel like we are all drifting back into creating the same social media AGAIN. My vote would be to remove the feature entirely, but I see how it can be used thoughtfully
Mar 3, 2025

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it feels like maybe a small part of the issue is people not using recs as recs (as you mention)? iā€™ve kind of moved away from the everyone tab bc itā€™s like 1/3rd of it is people just posting random thoughts or poetry like twitter/tumblr :/ i really like the re-rec feature because i like curating them to my list of recs and it also prevents the site being flooded with the same rec a lot of times but i see how re-recs could maybe feel the same way
Mar 4, 2025
when i say poetry i donā€™t mean like recommending a mary oliver poem but like the people who are just posting their own ā€deepā€ prose and poetry without any actual recommendation attached to it (at that point basically making it the same as a post on any social website)
Mar 4, 2025
marxinista my thoughts exactly. I think the feature is fine but the way people interact with it has been kinda lame. And people arenā€™t really posting recommendations, or showing off work or anything. Like you said itā€™s mostly ā€œdeepā€ thoughts like when tumblr and twitter started.
Mar 4, 2025
marxinista I hadnā€™t really considered that, thatā€™s super fair. I like the re-rec feature too, and that it saves posts to my profile (sometimes bookmarks and lists are buggy for me), but I get the point of trying not to re-rec without adding a related rec. sometimes I do add little poem jaunts based on OPsā€™ recs through re-recā€™ing, but I can strictly stick to comments of recs for that re not adding intended value also this might be a timezone/life happenings thing, but I will say Iā€™ve only been able to catch gems of recs because theyā€™ve been re-recā€™d quite a few times in the everyone tab. I guess thatā€™s what following certain folks are for, but Iā€™m finding the more people I follow the harder it is to navigate the friends tab too
Mar 5, 2025
Mar 4, 2025
I almost instinctively re-rec'd this and immediately understood why the feature might not be the best.
Mar 4, 2025

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iā€™m definitely not the first person here to make a rec about this, but my tired brain is truly rejoicing. i have a very hard time completely leaving it since i communicate and share creative work through the app, but i think iā€™ve decided i will only be on it once a week or when i need/want to post. thatā€™s all. as an already anxious person, seeing the same anxiety-inducing general information (as in something i could easily find on google or a news app) be reposted by 20+ people on their stories has become HELL, especially these last few weeks. not only that, but the constant push of personal opinions about such matters (even if i agree with them) just seems to warp your perception of people. maybe iā€™m just a wimp, but i donā€™t think humans were meant to see each other in such a way; weā€™re not so flashy and impulsive face to face. add the endless scrolling onto that, and itā€™s downright exhausting and kills productivity. there is so much more dimension and depth to humans and life than what is said or done or seen through this screen. can we please go back to flip phones?
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It just makes the dopamine not as easy to access. For example, swiping between posts takes forever compared to insta or tiktok, if i go out of the app for a minute, the post i was looking at will be gone so i have to dig to find it again, and i canā€™t seem to select and delete multiple words so i have to delete entire sentences individually which makes me more mindful about what iā€™m typing. idk i just feel that this app is making me rediscover that good things are inconvenient some times and that thatā€™s rewarding.
Like, it's the most boring repulsive thing I can possibly do, it goes against everything I know, please society can we forget about social media and go back to just discovering cool sites like this one? I miss organically stumbling upon something
Mar 1, 2025

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Even if you think you know a word. I do this all the time when I am reading and writing. I do it to double check that I am using a word in the right context, or to double check that I want to use this word in this context. Maybe by looking up the definition I will see a synonym that I like better. Or maybe Iā€™ll learn a new definition / alternate use for that word. I make myself mini dictionaries in my journal and my notes app
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