People might be surprised by this but Iā€™m a real bath slut. I take one almost every day. Itā€™s just such a great place to ruminate and relax. I have played Stanley Kowalski but the truth is Iā€™m more like Blanche DuBois. Iā€™ve thought of so many great ideas in the bath too while listening to music. Maybe my baths are so wonderful because I use this very fancy bubble bath. Itā€™s pricey but worth it and so are you. I buy it at my friendā€™s store in Atwater.
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Feb 3, 2025

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baths are where itā€™s atšŸ«§
Feb 4, 2025

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I donā€™t have one but if you have one I canā€™t underestimate how important it is that you use it all the time. Ok I have a bath but itā€™s so small and sad. I have to fold into a pretzel -- a tiny one in the Chex Mix pretzel, not a big Beer Garden pretzel -- to fit and it always feels like it has residue of my aforementioned hair dye. But if you have you use it for me. Spread out. Sprawl. Light candles. What a treat it would be to have a bathtub during a year like this. Iā€™d buy a floating tray, candles, bubbles that would make me breakout. I have to leave this fantasy, itā€™s making me cry.
Nov 17, 2020
~So Iā€™ve gotten into taking baths. I canā€™t explain it but it feels more analog. I used to think of it as a more time consuming option but now I feel itā€™s actually more efficient. The pressure of designating time for it to be both functional and experiential leads to letting myself get bored, which brings about a clear but gentle conclusion. Boredom is a luxury. I used to think new thoughts so often out of boredom, but now it feels like Iā€™m trying to be productive or Iā€™ve left my body entirely, so Iā€™ve been leaning in to get back to active boredom. There are plenty of ways to make it an experience. The only time Iā€™ll drink ice in a drink is in a bath, because effectively youā€™re already a soup. So drinking la croix or gatorade on ice in the bath is a crazy experience to feel your guts being all cold and your skin being warm. A good way to get back into my body is to make it the intersection of polarizing temperatures. I also love the idea of robes but I canā€™t figure out when Iā€™m meant to wear one, and the best I can tell is around bathtime. I love putting the Dr Teals Lavender salts right under the faucet because it either dissolves them or disperses them from jump as itā€™s filling, and then the Almond Cleansing Oil from Trader Joes is a moisturizing option for your cleansing tasks that take place as youā€™re brining your body in salt.
Jul 7, 2022

Top Recs from @john-c-reilly

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ā€œThe world is so distressing and cruel right now, especially with what our leaders are saying, itā€™s almost like comedy and joy is like a flower that needs to be cared for, and it needs to be in a peaceful garden where someone is watering it and taking care of it. I think the answer is empathy, getting people to recognize what binds all human beings together, regardless of their economic status or their race or where they have come from or where they are going, empathy is what is going to get us out of the mess that we are currently in.ā€ I said that a few years ago to an interviewer. It holds very true today. Empathy is not overrated. Itā€™s what will make you a better person. The Union Station organization helps the homeless and thatā€™s a good place to start. Pay it forward. One day you might need some kindness.
Feb 3, 2025
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Have you ever wanted to feel like a bird when it flies? Well there is a way to do it without risking death. Roller skating! Glide around on a wood oval and experience pure bliss. Youā€™ll feel like a kid again. Or a bird. Itā€™s a win win. The Moonlight Rollerway in Glendale is one of the best roller rinks in the world. Go on Rainbow Night (aka LGBT night) and youā€™ll hear the best music among the most lovely people. Donā€™t be afraid of gay. It wonā€™t hurt you.
Feb 3, 2025
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My whole life has been spent in and around theaters. They are my church. These days it seems like we take performers a bit for granted. But for every stream online there is a person who had the guts to get up onstage and perform in some theater somewhere. My two favorite places in Los Angeles for live performances are Largo at the Coronet and The Elysian Theater. Go to either place any night and you will very likely find something wonderful and surprising. Donā€™t you want that?
Feb 3, 2025