what a beautifully simplistic album, every word is purposeful like a carefully laid stone
jonathan and indiana both hold a very special place in my heart
give it a listen if you like and lmk what you think <3
great and extremely bittersweet folk music recorded on TAPE so you have that really rich and hissy sound.
⭐️ put this on while you’re doing chores and it will make it you feel worthwhile and comfortable I guarantee it
best tracks: donut seam, sadness as a gift, ruined
a gorgeous band that changed my life in 2011. i never hear anyone talk about them but it's flawless, HIGHLY listenable, experimental. personal favorite is of all the things. RIP miles seaton
my friend Kevin sent me this album last night and it's really scratching the itch I had for like, straightforward classic indie rock but done very well. the songs are so direct and deliberate and I love how stripped down the arrangements are. kinda feels like yo la tengo at their best, some of the motifs songs etc. I <3 music
be queer! kiss everyone! experience gender every which way possible!
i am a boy, i am a girl, i am everything and nothing at the same time and how amazing is that??
to be queer is to celebrate humanity for all it is and can be!
being queer is a solid 100000/10, you should definitely check it out
mechanics, plumbers, carpenters, artists, teachers,
almost everything we get to enjoy in this beautiful world is thanks to the efforts of the working class and we should show them all our love!
neurodivergency is the best thing on earth and im so tired of pretending it isnt
i sob over nothing! i hyperfixate for hours! im painfully bad with social cues!
i've wasted so many years of my life trying to mask, and for what???
what's so cool about being neurotypical anyway???
i am not something in need of fixing! i am real and whole the way i am!