every time in a movie or show or whatever when two friends/lovers/people are beefing i get so frustrated because they can just TALK ABOUT IT. i forget that life is not a movie or show or whatever and it’s actually really easy to not make enemies! i CAN just talk about it, whenever i want! this message is brought to you by an honest conversation i had with a coworker about our feelings :)
Feb 2, 2025

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sometimes you just gotta get it out and be like "yo are we still vibing or nah" you know??? all the homies love a "clear is kind" moment-- being clear is the kindest thing you can do and sometimes that's really hard <3
Mar 21, 2024
i wish people were better at this. big sign of emotional maturity i think is when people are actually capable of this. things happen and if you can’t talk them through what are you meant to do? just let it stew so it gets worse? let it destroy a relationship for no reason? fuck all that. have the conversations so you can reach an understanding. we can’t read eachothers minds man
it took me a while to realize this but, communicating doesn’t mean sharing every thought you have and every feeling going through you. its often best to take some time to assess how you feel, come to a conclusion that you’re confident in, and then share that with whoever you’re conversing with. especially if they play a significant role in your life. i used to think that by making my internal dialogue and thought process totally transparent, i was just being super communicative - while that might technically be true, sometimes some of our passing thoughts on our way to a final conclusion about how we feel about something might actually be hurtful to the other person if vocalized!! idk i just felt like sharing this ok 👍🏻

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if you don’t wanna be there nobody‘s gonna make you stay! you’re only hurting yourself and potentially the vibe at large!
Jan 9, 2025