I’m always keeping my thoughts on the few films I choose to write about solely within the pages of my notes up, so I figured what the heck! Maybe someone out there might like the two cents I want to spend on talking about a film that moved me :] Spoilers, ofc!!!
(2/2/25) Absolutely beautiful film. Watched it with katlafo, and we were both sobbing messes by the end. Throughout the beginning, I spent so much time trying to analyze the film, thinking I HAD to figure out the underlying message of a film I’d heard so much about before I’d even truly experienced it for myself. Man.
The scene where Greg shows Rachel her film was so beautiful. Again, I tried to pin point what it all meant in the moment—the constant cuts to Greg and Rachel’s pained expressions, the long shots of seemingly symbolic stop-motion—but I realized that that was exactly what was keeping me from what I longed for. So I sat there, and felt. And cried, and cried.
Later, the scene where Greg chooses to go to Rachel’s room, allowing himself to simply exist in the silence, taking in the remnants of her life, it was all so beautiful; the tears just wouldn’t stop, haha.
While I didn’t leave this film with some life changing message I was subconsciously searching for, I feel this movie reminds me to love myself the way I do others; and to do things because they matter to ME, because I care about them.
While I want to say I’ll never trust anything that tells me someone or something won’t die at the end, I know that’s not true.