No I am nowhere near being married but I was just thinking of the possibility of getting married in the future and then divorced and maybe you’re not too keen on moving in with your friends with families and lives of their own and maybe you have kids yourself and they are all grown up and you need a place of your own. I have been cooking for myself and cleaning my own dishes in my “kitchen” (which is a Polly pocket sized oven and not much else) for almost four years but on god the character building I’m experiencing is god tier revelatory. Like I got me and we gonna be doing this just us our whole life, honey
Feb 4, 2025

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I live with my husband and baby daughter now and love it but I never get a chance to be home alone and I look back to my single days living alone and feel so grateful that I had a chance to do it.
Mar 11, 2024
I'm 25 and have never been in a serious relationship. In fact, the only time that I haven't been single was for two-ish months when I was 15. I'll go on a dates and hangout with someone for a month or so every 2-3 years but nothing ever comes out of. That's either bc they don't want anything serious or we just don't vibe together. To put the final nail in my coffin, I don't take dating apps seriously enough to find anything worth it on there too. It can be lonely, and I find myself occasionally doubting my worth to the world around me... But then I talk to people who are in relationships and hear the shit they have to deal with, and it's like an instant cure to all loneliness and self doubt LOL. I also just enjoy my time alone to be honest. I also lovvve love love having the whole bed to myself and my cat (he takes up enough room as is bc he loves to lay horizontally haha). I, along with everyone else who has ever existed, have problems that I want to work out in my life before I go out and actively search for a partner. When I need company, I have my friends to pour my love onto! I spend a lot of time with them doing things that are fulfilling such as community work, learning crafts, watching movies and discussing them. I will always save space in my heart to finding someone I love romantically, but for now I am focusing on having fun, building a good friend group, taking care of my mind/body/soul. I've accepted that the romance will come when I am ready for it.
Feb 27, 2025
ask yourself these questions: Why are you unable to live a fulfilling life without a relationship? Do you not have hobbies, friendships, purpose in your life as it is? I say this as someone who's been single for three years: Thank God I don't have to share a bed with someone else, Thank God I can have the weekly alone time I need to recover my sanity, Thank God I don't have to negotiate or justify anything with anyone else.
Feb 27, 2025

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High key this little community has really been helping me as of late thank you all for being dope ❤️
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